In the United States, citizens are the most doped up nation in the history of the planet. A survey conducted by the Mayo Clinic found that 70% of all Americans are on at least one prescription drug. An astounding 20% of all Americans are on at least five prescription drugs. There are a lot of books written on the subject of health, but true health is elusive to more than 90% of the population and general health is quickly eroding for all, and at a younger age. There is evidence that health and aging are a source of fear in society with one American going bankrupt every second getting sick and unable to pay a healthcare bill. The trouble with the health care system is that it is driven by profit and not by incentive for cures.
I spent 36 years of my life going from one doctor to another until I was forced to free myself from a wheelchair with cancer, autoimmune, unhealthy weight, and osteoporosis. A team of doctors and I figured out how to eliminate pain, inflammation, obesity, disease, autoimmune and cancer to 5 basic elements of health, arranged as a pyramid of priorities. The sequence begins at the precise point where 1 or more of the 5 imbalances occur. Pain, inflammation and unhealthy weight are how your body talks to you. They are the precursors to disease and obesity. All are symptoms of inflammation, all are caused by imbalance(s) in the pyramid I call the Matrix. Where you are in the Matrix is measured by pH, 7.2 being perfect. For anyone using the Matrix for any condition(s), allows the patient to recover past the point of "curing" to a point of "thriving.
Curing disease and obesity is too limited in thinking because thriving is realized absent of inflammation, opening up access to increased energy and exhilaration. Using the Matrix cures people of all ailments and some they don’t realize they had. It makes pain, inflammation, obesity, disease, absenteeism, medication, cancer, and for most, mental illness irrelevant. The pyramid of the Matrix is the fulcrum point from where the sequence of obesity and disease begins as weight gain, pain and inflammation. For most, it can be stopped by balancing the 5 elements, usually in a few weeks and get you to a point of thriving within a few months. It's about Life Force energy that is the factor, and unhealthy weight is just a symptom. If you focus on the symptom you ignore the problems. The problem with society is that they treat the symptom and ignore the problem. That is where pills and elective surgery begins.
The current health care system treats the symptom instead of the cause
Authority isn’t pursuing a cure for anything otherwise they statistically would have found cures. I found that cures to health problems are no more difficult than giving your truck a tune up, cleaning some filters, and choosing a clean high octane fuel for it to run. Love is the air in your tires. Collectively, society is controlled, operating in a system of belief hopelessly immersed in ego, absent of truth, with tragic results.
The healthcare system operates under a monopoly that trains doctors to assume the patient is properly nourished, toxic free, hormone balanced living in a stress-free environment, autoimmune-free. This is the point at which essential information is omitted from the doctor’s training, and where the system departs from practicing healthcare. The current system in place is "trauma care trained" doctors practicing health care and the symptom is "sick care".
Summary of Points:
- To reverse pain, know that pain is a symptom of inflammation.
- To reverse disease, know that disease is a symptom of inflammation over time.
- To reverse cancer, know that cancer is a symptom of inflammation over longer period.
- To reverse obesity, know that unhealthy weight is a symptom of inflammation.
Health could be compared to the water level in your aquarium. As the level falls it exposes the rocks of ill health according to gene weakness and past trauma. But when it rises, the rocks of health issues submerge and all that is left is scar tissue so…
Time is of the Essence
Pain, inflammation and excess weight are the precursors to disease obesity and issues with health. Pain, disease, obesity and cancer naturally happens when inflammation is persistent over time. These are signalers, of how your body talks to you. Pain means stop what you are doing, stop using what is sore. Using the ideas in this book will explain how your body's signals are triggered, how to prevent and optimize the chemistry in your body to leave your cells in tact absent of cellular degeneration and permanent scarring. Elective surgery will become obsolete by optimizing your body's chemistry.
Unhealthy weight is a symptom of inflammation and not a symptom of eating too much or about counting calories, and lack of exercise. Those are just symptoms and not the cause. Obesity is not a disease as the FDA is alleging. Nutrients being too low and toxins being too high are 2 of the issues. Optimizing all 5 elements is a function of optimum weight. No one knows your optimum weight, only your body can determine that, measured by "Life Force energy". Treating symptoms of obesity and disease only leads to more obesity and disease. "Treating symptoms" intensifies problems because it ignores the factor of time as it relates to cellular degeneration in the sequence that leads to unhealthy weight and disease.
Disease is the absence of health
Blood becomes alkaline pH 7.0(+/- 0.2) absent of inflammation. PH is the report card of the 5 elements that make up the Matrix pyramid of patient health to sustain life. The Matrix is the roadmap and the sequence is the path to follow. The difference between existing in a hospital bed, requiring a walker, living with a sore back or thriving can be manipulated by how much you invest in optimizing the 5 elements. We know what we need to know to prevent and cure anyone of any disease today. When you optimize Life Force energy you optimize potential to a point of thriving!
My hope is to optimize your potential to thrive as the first step, but change of the system needs to happen as the second. Profit has no incentive to change, since profit is working well for the individuals that currently control the system, and doctors can't disclose this information without repercussions.