Chapter 1
The Need for an Expanded Context
You can’t tell the players without a program
Any conclusion reached without all the facts is bound to be incorrect. If taken as fact, this conclusion can lead to more and more assumed facts that lead to more and more misrepresentation, obfuscation and uncertainty as the expected results of planned actions take totally unexpected turns. For some, what follows in the wake of unexpected and unwanted results is often an even stronger conviction in the false conclusion, out of sheer frustration and need to feel at least some control over themselves, their world and their view of reality. For others, what follows is a search for something that does make sense. Sadly this can often lead to a cynical look at life because nothing seems to really make much sense for very long.
The world is flat. The universe orbits around the earth. A lot of conviction was placed on both of these theories. But no amount of conviction can change the fact that they are incorrect conclusions. They were conclusions based on limited information viewed in a limited context. A lot has changed since then and an enormous amount of knowledge has been acquired. The context in which we view ourselves, humankind and the universe has become vastly larger. But for many of us even with all this knowledge, the way life unfolds for us, individually, and for the planet, globally, still defies any plausible concept of a logical, orderly universe.
Even with our intellectual, psychological and technological advancements, the world still makes little sense as we empirically view it. For the “have not’s” life seems full of senseless struggle with no light at the end of the tunnel. For the “haves” after the luster wears off, life becomes dull, monotonous and increasingly disillusioning. And for the young people, the ones we call Indigo Souls (those born from 1972 to the present), the world seems to confuse, alienate and threaten them. Although these souls have the greatest potential for turning our world around for the better, they are the most vulnerable and effected.
I believe confusion and disappointment permeate just below the surface of our Collective Consciousness because we see ourselves and our world, even with all the modern advancements, in an inaccurate and limiting context. There are no lasting answers and nothing makes sense within the context of our life as we see it because the context we have learned to accept, is inaccurate.
I believe it is time to broaden our perspective using every avenue for inspiration available in order to expand our thinking and our contextual boundaries. My argument is that we can expand the context with which we view ourselves and our world by including information offered by Ascended Beings of Light that are working very hard to help us out of our current dilemma. Their information provides a context that can assist us in gaining greater understanding of our current life circumstances and a better understanding of how the game is really played on Cosmic as well as personal levels. With a better perspective on the game we are actually playing (not the one we misguidedly think we are playing), we have a fighting chance at making beneficial adjustments that can result in a better outcome, from our own point of view, our world’s point of view and from these Ascended Beings’ point of view.
So, what I intend to do in these pages is to explain, in as pragmatic a way as I can, some concepts which present a more expanded context from which to view and explain our Reality, with the tools needed to effect and direct our own Reality for the better and therefore, the Global Reality - and even beyond.
The knowledge given by the Ascended Beings of Light covers a myriad of subjects including the history of this planet, its civilizations, the expanse and nature of the Cosmos, Dimensions of Reality, our Hierarchy of Beings, Universal Law, the Nature of Duality, as well as many cycles of rise and fall of Earth and Humankind, just to name a few. Sometimes the information is hard to get our minds around but if you ask your mind to be watchful and vigilant but also accepting and not too rigid, it can be a wondrous adventure.
Think of it as food for thought and an opportunity to expand your awareness and explore wherever your intuition takes you. These pages are not intended to prove or disprove anything or to be critical of any point of view. Every individual is equally able to form their own opinions and live their life in the way they decide. This is merely information and concepts that can be considered along with all the other information and concepts available to all, creating a more inclusive body of knowledge that can be used to help you live the life that you desire - that you feel moved to live.
The fact is that none of us are in a position to objectively vet the flood of information we have access to in books, TV, movies, or the internet, that already - in an involuntary and somewhat insidious way - shapes our world. What we can count on with the most certainty, however, is our own life’s experiences, our interaction with others and what we observe.
The mechanisms that we primarily rely on to evaluate our life’s experiences are our mind, emotions and intuition or inspiration. We can use these same mechanisms to evaluate the information offered by the Ascended Beings. Maybe a little more emphasis on the intuitive component but that’s not a bad thing. For most of us, our gut instinct gives us our most reliable council.
Walter Isaacson, in his book Einstein, says of Albert Einstein, His success came from questioning conventional wisdom, challenging authority, and marveling at mysteries that struck others as mundane…Imagination is more important than knowledge. (Isaacson,Einstein, His Life and Universe, pg. 7. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2007.)
What struck me most about Einstein was his willingness to “think outside the box,” to have no “preconceived ideas.” Just being open to new concepts without prejudice released Einstein from the chains of limitation and opened the door to infinite possibility. Unshackled from convention, he changed the world.