Climb That Mountain

Learn, heal & grow. Get on track & stay on.

by Dee Shemma

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/02/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9781452567372
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9781452567358

About the Book

Climb That Mountain is a guidebook for your personal journey.

Are you lost, stuck, or off track?

What do synchronicity, the universe, angels and intuition have to do with you?

Would it be worth letting go of anger, hate, blame, fear and co-dependency?

Have you ever tried journaling, visualization, meditation, or saying affirmations?

Have you checked on your choices, plans, goals and dreams lately?

Do you pay attention to your thoughts, listen in order to hear, take responsibility for your life, use your time wisely and refrain from judging others?

Did you know that you are a soul with a body, as opposed to a body with a soul?

Can you believe that you are never alone, that you have a support-circle and a trust-team?

How is your gratitude attitude?

Are you living in the now, or are you stuck in the past?

Do you have healthy boundaries?

Do you realize that there are no mistakes in life, only lessons?

Can you accept that someone else doesn’t need to change—you do?

Do you know that we are here in Earth School to learn, heal and grow?

My life was once devoid of hope, direction, and joy.

Today my life is on track.

Climb That Mountain will gently guide you too!

About the Author

Dee has climbed her own personal mountain and arrived at a good place. She continues to learn, heal, and grow. Dee still falls off track sometimes, but now she know how to get back on again!