– WRITE WRITE WRITE - as I have been seeing of recent with BOOK, BOOK, and BOOK. Then a thundering voice “why are you afraid, do you not say, where and what is fear? , why then are you mincing your mind and keep on telling yourself that you ready for this work, but for the introduction? Why are you worried about how to begin, or where to start? IS THIS A COMPETITION that you entering? Are you perfect, is all perfect, that you trouble yourself so?”
In a little calmer or comforting voice “you are chosen for this work. Had you not been praying and saying after your major decisions making, that you want every soul receiving the peace that you now have? Although not having as much as you still need, but you are coping much better. Don’t you always wish for what you have, that every soul should receive also? Very important to you, is your desire to wipe away every tear from every person’s eyes. Do you not say that some day you would love to start some charity work by opening soup kitchens every where in the names of your loved ones, because you relate to those experiences? Do you not move about, and witness all that is unjust and when you cry out to all spirit as you refuse to accept this reality? Did you not challenge GOD, in your previous experiences? Now that you have in your path, to enlighten and guide by not only what you see through your human capacity but that which you SEE and KNOW, and that which you are guided in understanding to do so. The ALL to DO, is on you, now. Why then are you worrying about what to write? ”
Yes, yes, yes”, dumfounded but I respond to myself more, as I see pictures, all of this as an episode on television.
Same comforting voice but more lovingly now: “You are the reason that the people you guide, are in a much desired place within their lives. They tell you this daily. Now as your life purpose unfolds before you in many ways and forms, and every need you have is given unto you, even without you asking. All you ever do is thank, thank, thank, for everything and everyone and you are consistently doing this without even noticing. I know how very grateful you are for all and for everything. JOY KNOWS NO BOUNDS WITH YOU. Being of service is within you, and is all that you truthfully seek. You are one of the many few who know this truth. You also are the beacon of light,that lights brightest for all to see and seek. You my child, is ME, I AM BUT IN YOU, IN ALL FORMS AND NAMES. Your marvel, at the reactions of my children that seek you. It is I, who lead them to the beacon closest to their needs by their virtues through prayer. Is this not what you daily ask for? I do so because it is you who asked this of me and of yourself, and as YOU will it upon YOURSELF, to be a divine being and ONE WITH YOUR ALMIGHTY GOD IN ALL. You were born with the ability man terms prophesy or light healer, as are the many like you. Healings and intuitive guidance you receive are your abilities IN total sum of Truth within me and ALL. I AM PLEASED WITH YOU, I urge you to hold steadfast to your vision surrounding your good work. I AM WITH YOU, WITHIN YOU, AROUND YOU. WHERE NOT AM I? You tire yourself out with work for a few and make excuses and waste ENERGY with preparing, where as there are many in dire need of your work, and healing and to serve on a full scale .This book work you prepare is not for a minimum, but a correctness for all HUMANITY, those who lose faith and trust, just as you, yourself experienced. Like a dog goes after his own tail, around and around. The dog knows no better; where is better? What is good and who is bad? How many more souls must be sent to prove my innocence; that I AM; and that, I do not make you cry? YOU, make choices based on ego, I AM THE EMBODIEMENT OF PURE LIGHT and TRANSISTING LOVE, THERE IS NO PLACE THAT I AM NOT AND NO THING IS LOST IN THE TOTAL SUM OF MY LOVE.
I am the spirit in all things. I am with you always. SOUL, seek me. REALLY SPEAK TO ME, and hear me; but if ONLY you will. I say to you child, in this moment WRITE, WRITE, and WRITE. I am the author, you are the instrument, do not be intimidated. WE, are the total sum of this work, duty calls upon us TOGETHER. I LOVE YOU ALL, DESPITE AND INSPITE OF ALL EXPERIENCES. Live the life before you and not what are unseen probabilities that you cannot change. Your experiences where you realize, correct and build foundations on from lessons learnt, is what I REWARD justifyingly . That is your human life capabilities and duty, to the SELF.