Dear Reader,
You should know from the beginning, The Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus are the parental- and the human models for my belief system. In this system the human heart is one with the Immaculate Conception, the Blessed Mother, with whom the human mind is reborn. Now the child of this heart has a mind which lives in a loving, safe home- the brain, the Father one with the mind, the Son.
“Guide to Happiness” directs our attention to the purity of love in the human heart. In this purity we unify with our Lord, Jesus Christ. This unification eliminates fear, frustration, and judgment and makes room for life’s com-passionate love.
Because the force and essence of life live in a happy and calm heart, I believe here lays the key of energy for all creative thinking different from the competitive one .When we discover that life’s force is the Man’s love we can have heaven on earth. Now our own thoughts are based on His justice where His love produces an ordered society. This program is for those ready to “die” which means separate from the old beliefs based on fear, sadness, regrets in order to find new beliefs. This new beliefs are based on real spirit of life, love, courage and intelligence. From this principal we proceed to the mission of this core belief. The mission of this core belief is the use of the free will - our greatest gift- to gain the power of good decision. But good decisions have to be based on real power: love and gentleness. This is my orthodox faith and my life’s fundamental principal which has unlimited potential to combat ever-present conflict, our constant enemy. Continuous conflict invites a host of health disorders involving the heart and the nerves which translates into diabetes, cancer ,depression and all the rest. I strongly believe we must identify these conflicting circumstances or situations, (social, opposing, competitive, for example) in order to treat them.
We learn to deal with conflict as it manifests from childhood into adulthood. As children we understand from the purity of love not from the damaged version of it! When the purity of love between our parents and our parents and us is uneasy, our brain is confused and our life goes the same. This unseen, well-kept unconsciously secret is very clearly seen in our faulty, conflicted decisions.
If we are not willing to change our belief about enlightened self-love our lives are broken, and our children will mirror us, the damaged blue print. This is crucial - we either make it or break it. Because I am one of these children, and a parent as well, I am experienced and prepared to write this guide.
III) About Guide to Happiness
I explained to Virginia: The program entitled, “Guide to Happiness” inserted in to “World Energy-ReflexOlogy”, W.E.R., may help you. The Guide combines alternative western medicine with prayer and positive affirmations. Patients repeat to themselves, in a relaxed frame of mind, the healing affirmations, in the present tense-as if the action has already taken place. The prayer I use often for myself, I use as a practitioner: “Holy Quinn Mother of Mercy! Our life, our sweetness and our hope! Turn most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, your Virgins, and show into us the blessed fruit of thy womb Jesus, O clement O loving sweet Virgin Mary.” Thank you!
These tools free the way to health, wealth and loving relationships.
Reflexology is a useful tool to achieve a calm mind and heart which is necessary for this healing program.
“Guide to Happiness” provides a path to discovering and treating the causes of your symptoms. The cause is usually stress and this program helps you transform stress in to power and vitality. The procedure I use is named D.I.2R. (detection, identification, and removal replacement). Reflexology is necessary to achieve the first step of DI2R.
D-detection is admitting that the body requires serious attention to physical problems.
I-Identification is related to specific people and events, which have caused much hurt (later the body reflects).
2R- Remove the hurt. Replacement has its room. Related with R-removal we turn now to confrontation which is essential. This means recalling specific people and events in a face to face manner so all the hurt is fully exposed to the light. Now, everyone has their own pain -the offender and the one hurt. Virginia, because you understand their pain you are able to have compassion which leads you to your heart. In your heart is love and forgiveness.”
This was the overview of what we are doing here. It usually takes about one year to have a heartfelt perception of the reality of your being.
Today, Virginia wants to know more about “The Guide.”
About DI2R
Accordingly, I set forth the components and how they work. D.I.2R. is a great benefit to any adult, whom, as a child, was seriously emotionally hurt by parents or others. Parents or others for whatever reason cause damage to the child with words, action and attitude. This damage produces emotional harm. This harm often translates in following the footsteps of those causing the hurt. The child wants to do better and not repeat the behavioral cycles in place -- but those paradigms remain. This means the creation and/or repetition of bad habits. The behavioral patterns become comfortable - familiar now as time passes. Even traumatic at times, for them, they are reinforced by those who created the model for emotional trauma in the child’s life. This is now normalized or familiar behavior that and is now the blue print for a disjointed, chaotic life. This will not change until the child, now an adult, has decided to find and does find, a better blue print. This is why “Guide to Happiness” exists.