In my conversations with many men and women, people who I am amazed believe are on the road to wealth and freedom. I have found are in a poverty mind set. What is considered success? According to Webster it says a favorable or desired outcome; also the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. What is success for you? My friend this is not just another how to succeed book. The information contained within these pages can absolutely enhance every area of your life. I have gathered powerful knowledge from the greatest successes this world has known. This sets the stage for you to start asking key questions of yourself on what it is you really want.
This is a great place to start! Success, and how to have it in an ever increasing supply. If you my friend want more of it you definitely have to think right about success and wealth.
The person who has a mind full of wealth and success will always attract more wealth and success. The opposite is also true for the person who has a mind full of poverty will attract more poverty.
Being a man who once lived in a poverty mind set who never quite made the grade. Going from bankrupt to what one calls success in a matter of a few years; changing my realities of lack and limitation to one of abundance and unlimited potential. This did take some work. The good news is it can be done. I did it and so can you.
Wealth consciousness and poverty consciousness fulfill the exact same conditions, by the thoughts, words and deeds we hold. Basically the thought that one is constantly thinking about all the time will come home to roost. Job the great sufferer of the Bible said: “The thing I greatly feared has come upon me”. This statement has an incredible truth to it! I was first inspired by this several years ago when I went bankrupt. The incredible thing is I did not have anything to lose in the first place.
At that time I was a soldier and a soldiers pay really is not the most fantastic to begin with. At the time I had amassed approximately one hundred thousand dollars in different debts. In those days, this was an incredible amount of money for me. This was by far hell for me. Eventually I could no longer beg, borrow or steal another dime to pay for the debts I had amassed. The inevitable happened and I filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy. Being totally broke puts one in a new perspective.
Having everything taken away and not having a penny to my name makes a person fully appreciate the simplest things. When the man called to take away my car all I could think of was why. Why my wife and I, two people who worked hard and tried to the best of our abilities to live a decent life had to experience this nightmare?
I was angry! Angry at god, the system and finally just plain mad at me. This experience began to open a whole new world for me.
My wife Michelle started reading a book to me. It was in German so she translated as she read. The book was about a man who immigrated to America at age 16 with no money and left a multi-millionaire. He talked of his struggles and how eventually he became rich. Being rich was exactly the thing I wanted. I believed at the time if an immigrant who knew nothing of America could achieve financial freedom, me being born and raised here could do it as well.
I soon began to realize that success had nothing to do with where one is from, the educational background one receives or class from which one is born.
I began a personal quest to find out how I to could achieve success. I wanted my seat at the table and feast on the abundance that life offered us all. I had nothing to lose, I lost it all anyways. There is an old saying “seek and you shall find”. Oh my friends, how true this saying is.
I devoured many self-help books and CD’s. Anything that contained knowledge on the subject of success I wanted to study it. This led into philosophy and the deeper studies of the human soul and mind. I began to “Think”! I began to realize that consciousness or thought, and faith, are wires by which the thing we are thinking of finds its way to us.
It is amazing when I think about it. I was only living on auto pilot. I was doing the things that were drilled into me since early childhood. I was in essence living a life like a computer program. I was upset because it was not my program. I never thought an original thought until I realized this. Once I realized this, I had to sit down for a few minutes to take it in. I started to understand that people are the architects of there own fortune. You can make or unmake yourself. You can be weak or strong, rich or poor according to the way you think. You literally become what you think about!
This requires will power, persistence and self growth through your work and studies. You must be willing to spend money, time and patience to bring about your coveted desires. Nothing is impossible! You can start with nothing and create anything that you want!
You are an unlimited being! You have to want to receive what has been waiting so patiently for you. You have to want to fulfill natural, mental and spiritual laws. I read this powerful statement everyday “Ask it is given onto you, Seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened up to you”, My friends it couldn’t be said any easier than that.
Your intention governs your attention. Whatever your mind and thoughts dwell upon eventually come about into what we know as physical reality. The person that has fears of being a victim of a crime is the person that calls the criminals. Remember Jobs statement “The thing I greatly feared has come upon me”. Likewise the opposite is true, the person that holds no thought of being a victim of a crime, will never be.
You only need one talent to be great. Discover what this talent is and nurture it and grow it to be the master piece you see in your vision. When you know your talent, which could be a hobby, a thought or desire or anything you find enjoyment in. Say to yourself right then and there “this is the one thing I can do”! Then begin to educate yourself more and more on it. Begin to master it and watch it blossom.
There is room at the top for everyone. The reason for this is very few people arrive there. There is a place for you there if you desire to make it to the top. Start denying the things that take your attention away from achieving your desire. Remember that intention governs attention. See yourself as the glorious being you are or want to be. Keep this vision always beyond you. It might be that you have to change the vision from time to time. This happens when you arrive and it ceases to be your vision anymore. Study the vision you want to achieve; visit often with it; dream of it; let your entire being be filled by it; let your energy carry you towards it.
The amount of value you think yourself to be, does not affect just how you feel about yourself but other people instinctively feel it as well. Think of it this way. A weaker animal is instinctively felt by other animals and is then a target of attack. Have faith in yourself, and you will find this incredible power within. This other self! This power will propel you to incredible heights and finally place the crown of success on your brow.
All big business, all great success first existed as an idea! This powerful invisible force called mind is unlimited power. Ideas are invisible but ideas that are accepted by the mind become real.
Every building, bridge or structure that was ever built was first an idea. From the idea a mental picture began to form. From the picture in the mind it was drawn on paper. Then from the paper it was expressed in physical form.