The Spiritual Hedonista’s 9 Ingredients for Delicious Living

Reflections on the Teachings of Abraham

by Amélie Eden

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/03/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781452548463

About the Book

This fun and uplifting book is the perfect bedside and travel companion to remind you of your power to create a pleasurable life experience every day.

Written from the perspective of a spiritual hedonist and student of the teachings of Abraham, this book will guide you through the nine ingredients which, when mixed together, can help you to create a life filled with pleasure.

No matter where you stand right now in this life experience, no matter where you have come from or where you have been, you can begin to experience pleasure in your life today. There are pleasures that are available to all, if you would only allow them into your life, regardless of your current financial situation. This book will guide you on how to live a life filled with what pleases you, feels good to you, and makes you happy. Pleasure need not be just a fleeting, once-in-awhile occurrence. It can be a normal way of life, and as the Spiritual Hedonista teaches: pleasure is normal and pleasure is good!

About the Author

Amélie Eden has been on her Spiritual path since she was nine years old when she began reading books from authors such as Louise Hay and Deepak Chopra. Throughout her life she has studied various religions and spiritual practices, from A Course in Miracles to the teachings of Abraham. She is a self-proclaimed life-long spiritual hedonist. Amélie has lived and studied in North America, Europe, and Asia. She has a bachelor's degree from New York University and a master's degree from the University of London. Throughout her life she has observed and documented ways people live, interact, and seek pleasure in various cultures around the world. One of her greatest pleasures is learning and understanding different expressions of love, spirituality, pleasure, and pleasure seeking. She describes herself as a Spiritual Hedonista, checking out what it’s like to be human. Amélie can often be spotted tucked away in a cozy corner of the New York Public Library, the British Library café, or le Jardin des Tuileries, writing about the deep mysteries of life and pleasures of living.