Returning to Perfect

Created to Heal...

by Susan Farah

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/02/2025

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9798765258767
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9798765258774

About the Book

Life is an incredible journey full of starry nights and rainy days, rooftops and valleys lush banquets and arid deserts. But the most incredible journey is not one that we experience - it is one that “we possess”. That posession is “us”. It’s our body, soul and spirit - the essence of all we were created to be. Returning to Perfect Created to Heal - will take you to a world you never knew existed. A life in which you are perfect and healed and where you can be a force to heal others. In our natural state and our full capacity we are more intricate and complex than the tiniest computer, more resilient and tough than an armored tank and more fragile and easily broken than spun glass. Our potential is unlimited - it is truly limitless! Do you realize the power you possess? Returning to Perfect will uncover hidden treasure and unmask the mysteries of who we are and explore the possibilities of what “we” - “you” can do. Understand the importance of listening to your body it knows what it needs to repair and heal itself. Pay attention! So, delve in. Be amazed! It’s a journey of a lifetime...

About the Author

For forty years Susan has demonstrated her influence in the Healthcare field by coaching, mentoring and inspiring others to be more than they can be. Her ability to help others to use their internal, natural resources to heal themselves and change their life is her life-long passion. Susan believes “the power is within all of us” and she wants all of you to follow her lead...