Freedom Justice Community

Voluntary, Self-Governing Jural Assembly Communities funded with Community-Created Credit give us the Society that Benefits Everyone

by John G Root Jr

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/06/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9798765252901
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9798765252918

About the Book

Money makes the world go round? This should be: Money goes round the world. We have a world economy that could be benefiting everyone. Money is like manure; it is only good when it is spread around. Everyone’s work needs to be fertilized with the right amount of money for society to be healthy. Money is the root of all evil or the love of money is the root of all evil. Do we assume that the problem is human nature, not money itself? This book demonstrates that the problem is not human nature, and it is not money itself. The problem is who issues the money, how it is issued, and what it is issued for. Monetary reform is necessary but not sufficient to bring about the world we know in our hearts. To bring about the world we know in our hearts, we must share that knowing with each other. This book aims to show that when the individual is Free to express the love that wells up naturally to fulfill their life’s purpose; when society is Just because it is based on the people’s active consent and participation in adjudicating / remediating harm; and when everything that the people provide each other to satisfy their needs and desires is the result of a voluntary initiative inspired and supported by the Community, and funded as a right; then the individual will be sovereign and will be creating, contributing to, and maintaining a society that benefits everyone.

About the Author

I come from an Anthroposophical family, attended 13 years of Waldorf School in New York City, dropped out of Bowdoin College and graduated from the Camphill Seminar (for special education and social therapy) I am a member of the Anthroposophical Society and The School of Spiritual Science and its Social Science Section. I have been living and worked in intentional communities oriented to manifesting Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual science most of my life. My career has been creating community with people with mental disabilities in an intentional community called the Cadmus Lifesharing Association in which everyone is a volunteer. I wish I had known Sociocracy during that time because consensus is a lousy way to govern an intentional community. The motto of the Cadmus Lifesharing Association is “Everyone is perfect in their essential being and everyone is handicapped in bringing that essence to expression”. In Cadmus, we recognize and further each other’s abilities and we recognize and compensate for each other’s disabilities. This experience is what gives me confidence that we can extend this to our neighborhoods and Wards. In 2012 I retired and shifted my volunteer efforts to monetary reform and read just about every book there is about the nature of money. I have participated in numerous efforts to revendicate the promise of the Declaration of Independence. When I was expelled from a group working to reinhabit the Republic a small group of us formed what we call the Unity Team to come up with the ideas we need to succeed in uniting the freedom movement. This book is a fruit of my transcendent purpose to create sovereign communities based on our common sense, sense of justice and the primary tool that the sovereign uses to create the conditions in which, we the people, live, which is money creation. A community or ward that, issues the money to accomplish the things that we agree would be good and regulates the money supply so that it is always properly measuring the value of the goods and services we make available to each other will create a society that benefits everyone. Creating Common Good Communities governed Sociocratically as described in Chapter 5 is what I expect this book will help me do. I aim to help create a new civilization that respects our essential being and heals our planet. The principle of self-actualization will become the principle of civilization.