Seat of comfort
Help! my 'seat of comfort' ...has: 'collapsed'
Time for 'personal elation': elapsed
Real truths of being, these now given - light from 'dark'
Brazen behaviour exposed ...as, my lark
Written in first person; for they, who 'deceive': will not
Tell the truth, this of their lot
Take, take, take ...never give
Other than towards family, this the way - they live
...If you can, what really: will get in your way?
Crime: this can be, the greatest of: 'pay-day'
...Of punishment; the lawyers are there: to evade
Doubt: this the greatest weapon ...for jury, to persuade
My lark is simple, I'm poor, because I tell: only truth
Though when young, facts altered - massaged ...during 'youth'
Does anyone need a mansion? ...for me, my place: will do
Debt through: 'credit card' to get by - is nothing new
Restrictive aim
A voice said... "Of science, I'm the cradle" humanity - is the cot
Whilst in 'land of nod' known freedom of ‘domain' - slot
"Your species is young; we are here to help" spoken to me
Why? I'm nothing, not even ...'apple of tree'
"Potential" - the answer, "listening; is not what your leaders do"
"This is why, we come in dream: too you"
"In furtherance, of furtherance: we must come to the people
Deception: to this concept ...by your leaders, we are equal
… ‘This is why we know, in dream, we must converse
Your planet is yours ...but is part of an expanding: universe"
"They supress our signals, they want to your: 'freedom'- own"
‘True democracy’: this is of other worlds - their zone
Does an individual have power? some might: rise too have
...Or of future clearance. am I - just mad?
Where we are; ...Is, manipulations: 'game'
What I ask, like you - what is, the: restrictive aim?
Life is Life
All kids rebel, if able ...that’s what, they do
...Of this fact, it is nothing - new
A tantrum, or silence ...just two tactics: used
"No" means "no", control must - not be confused
Raised voices occur, the action to events is normal
Life's about being nice ...but, also formal
...If children, are not given direction, society: 'falls apart'
The install of ‘common sense', is a good: 'life start'
When it comes to living ...politeness, is a good thing
Too often does 'bell of rudeness' - ring
...Of 'moral values', I wish we - all had
At least within my circle, few ever: make me mad
People give, others take - 'that's life'
When people are content, smiles are rife
We share values, also have 'combative opinions'
Debate is our mechanism ...for better: dominions
"Buckle up"
"Buckle up" this said by sister - after "we are, going for a ride"
"There's new; sights to see" spoken was sentence, 'with pride'
It took me five minutes, to get ready
Hands poised behind my wheelchair ...words: "ready - steady"
With smile of glee. 'excited': was I
The world since 'physical failure' ...had, passed me by
Today a rarity; I've of recent times ... known only: 'two places'
Home, or local, - want for: new faces
Loneliness: this concept ...has been long, 'my torment'
My electric usually takes me, for brain: to ferment
Alcohol is a friend, but also a curse
Little niggles become enflamed ...also fact of: 'emptying purse'
Today's rare jolly; this to visit ...of London, its sights
Bridges, and buildings, wonderment: 'of heights'
Past and present seen, in 'magnificence' - of owe
Two in frolic; hearts: 'wonderment of explore'
...Is anything, or event ...in life: random?
Do things happen; Singla, or with another - in tandem?
Even time: Linea' is a medium ...for, our measure
Contextualizing events: in history, or as: 'future treasure'
Marked by Earths; 'rotation' around the - Sun
A year is recorded ...after, three hundred, sixty-five days: done
Seconds, minutes, hours ...all are: 'artificial constructs'
Timespan is not precise; natural forces, these are the: interrupts
...Yet time keeps ticking, can be viewed: via clock
It always continues, never does - stop
There're moments; in sadness or ecstasy ...when time, stands still
Such is the psyche, - of 'humanity's will'
We exist; our passage, one of onwards - thrust
In others, we often, of their 'intensions' must place - trust
Let down once, I'm shall all: will be
Living is about, the opportunities ...ones take, or see
One more problem
British 'air space' closed, I'm
glad I'm in: 'comfort of home'
I've no funds, for even an 'internal flight': roam
Not even a car ...but I, don't mind
I'm poor; I'll take any, chances for psyche - which I find
The tele' gets boring, yet is a 'time': distraction
...Of news content, always there be - a reaction
Smile or greisen; joy or further pain
At least my mind ...is taken, too 'land of travel: gain'
I'm a plane watcher, but currently; there's - none in the air
Have our security systems been hacked? ...I care
Data breaches: these now; common as: 'baked beans'
Britain in twenty-twenty three, is bursting - at its seams
A holiday for me, from bad news ...having, a day off
Being free to sneeze, even cough
...Is the cancer of Britain: 'diagnosed', can it be corrected?
Or is our blight, worsening ...for, the affected?