Success is not a secret system, nothing written here has not been said before, every motivational speaker that I have crossed in my experience have already asserted everything that I have compiled here in this book; each one is but a synthesized compilation of previous paths of past knowledge and then each adds their own special spice to the recipe.
I cannot discount the fact that there is indeed value to the motivational speaker game and a phenomenal rush of insight is always gained when attending a mega seminar. However, like any teacher, like this book, they are simply a channel to present the material that is meant to bring out the best in you. What they provide you with is the spark, but it is you has to do the work to bring out your greatest potential. Spoiler alert, the true secret is: only you know what that is.
The same can be said with the guru. YOU are the guru and the guru is but a conduit to connect you to your inner you. In this life, you are here as both a student and a teacher. In this very moment writing these words to you, I am merely a student whom has over time amassed a sizeable knowledge base. In the context of an author, I might be seen as a teacher but I am a continuous student of life that is always open to receive, always continuing to learn, always continuing to grow, and always continuing to create.
It is imperative that you are ready to move forward with your life in a new, more productive manner. Many people mistake a busy day for a productive one. You need to laser focus your attention towards productivity not just movement in circles but forward. Coaches all agree that the person has to be one-hundred percent dedicated to their goals and all-in. I firmly believe when we truly decide, it is then that the road of life rises to meet us. A brilliant metaphor for success is the iceberg. When you see the successful out there in the world, all you see is the outcome, the grand finale, the tip of the iceberg. What you do not see is the lifetime of work, the preparation, the failure(s), the suffering, the agony, the persistence, the doubts, the risks, the sacrifices and the endless trials faced by that individual to get to the pinnacle of their field. You are only seeing the end of the movie and do not realize the horrors that some of the protagonists had to endure to reach their place of prominence. How much rejection could you endure on the path to your dreams? Oprah Winfrey was given leave from her position on Baltimore's WJZ-TV’s news team because she was considered unfit for television and she was in her words: devastated. No success story is devoid of trials and challenges. To be triumphant in any endeavor, you have to get to the essence of your-self. To accomplish this, you have to establish firm, deep and authentic roots to build your future.
A most challenging yet necessary precursor to taking the most solid first step towards your dreams is to embrace forgiveness. Now you may be thinking, how the heck does forgiveness relate to my goals? As you will learn, success is awarded to the authentic, not solely the hard-working. If everyone with fantastic resumes got the position then there would be no such thing in the corporate world called: middle management. It is the brightest stars whom are seen, and if you want to get recognized, then you must not only work hard but you must get to the essence of your-self. Believe it or not, this process involves forgiving yourself that that past could have been any different than it is, and that this moment could have been any different than it is right now. Once you accept that the present moment is a product of what was, and what is, IS in our control RIGHT NOW now and you have the ability to not be held hostage by the ghosts of your past. What you have is the right now and every moment hereafter to create the future that you desire. Remember, life does not happen to you, it happens for you. All you have been through has value, all you are is all you need and the key is locking in the on target, moving forward with focus, determination and some gusto.
Vincent Van Gogh stated: I dream my painting and I paint my dream. It is time to let it all go and to get on with your best life. You are only limited by your imagination, desire and the sky’s the limit.