I begin this chapter with the woman who became my best friend and mentor. June Black was a soft-spoken, compassionate woman who changed my life and awakened my psychic abilities. June was born in London, England, where she was trained in extrasensory perception (ESP). She arrived in United States as a soldier’s bride. Several years later, she began teaching meditation. In search of like-minded people, June attended a lecture on the paranormal at the local community college. The following is a true experience of how I met my mentor.
Since my children were now in high school, I now had more time to further my education. I never thought of myself as psychic, but attended a lecture on the paranormal at the local community college. At the time, I didn’t realize I was being spiritually guided to attend this lecture.
I entered the large lecture room and, because I was timid, I found the least conspicuous chair in the last row at the back of the room. While listening to the instructor, a strong scent of flowers emanated from the floor. I leaned close to the girl sitting next to me and whispered, "Your cologne smells beautiful."
The girl whispered back. "I'm not wearing cologne."
Without thinking, the words poured out of my mouth. “I smell Mimosa.” As soon as I said the word "mimosa," the potent fragrance forced itself on my face. Startled by the attack, I jumped out of my chair, dashed to the back of the room, and shouted, "There’s a spirit here! It’s blasting Mimosa in my face!"
The instructor acknowledged my comment with a slight smile and a nod. It was evident that he didn’t know what to do. Offering no suggestion, he continued his lecture.
I returned to my seat, still shaken from the experience. Even though I had been aware of spirits all my life, I had never been attack by one.
Also, I didn't know what mimosa was, or how it smelled. I wonder why I said mimosa? I think it's a flower or a tree. Since the instructor didn’t appear concerned, I remained quiet for the rest of the lecture.
After the meeting ended, a petite, blond-haired lady came to the back of the room and introduced herself. June Black spoke with a charming British accent and asked if I would be interested in joining her psychic classes. I agreed, and the next day enrolled in the metaphysical workshop. Several months into my studies, I heard a knock on the front door. It was June. She was having trouble with her car and stopped in to call an auto service. "Marie. Would you like to be my assistant? Every time I drive the main street near your house, my car stops. This is the third time. My spirit guides want you to be my assistant, and I’m tired of my car breaking down when I pass your street."
I felt honored to receive the invitation and eager to work with Mrs.
Black. It meant I would be attending day and night classes. I was to learn meditation, psychic awareness, automatic writing, hands-on healing, psychometry, mental telepathy, past-life regression, spirit communication, sensing and seeing a spirit within the mind’s eye, and much more.
Several months later, after learning how to meditate, my sensory perception had improved. With my eyes closed, I was able to visualize spirits within my mind’s eye. This evening, I closed my eyes and listened as June gave to the opening prayer. In preparation to meditate, I began slow, deep breathing to slow down my brain waves. The room grew solemnly silent. After several minutes, while concentrating on my forehead, I envisioned ten or eleven men standing in a semicircle, hovering above the room. They had long white hair, long beards, and were clothed in pure white robes. Though I had seen many spirits within my mind’s eye before, I had never seen these men. I sensed they were Spiritual Councils, highly evolved spirits with a mission in mind. With closed eyes, I focused on the figures hovering above me.
The men were looking down, studying me. It appeared they were pondering a question.
I sensed they were wondering if I would be faithful and would continue using my psychic ability. Several minutes later, by nodding, it appeared that they had agreed to accept me. Feeling this was an honor, I was grateful they had selected me. I had no idea what I had been accepted for, or what I was to do, but was soon to find out.
The psychic workshop was now teaching automatic writing. It is a method by which the human mind can receive information from spiritual sources through writing. The students were seated at a table with a pen or pencil in hand, ready to communicate with their spirit guides. June began the lecture. "When writing, always begin by imaging the white light around your body. This light will act as a protection and will ward off any mischievous spirits who want to interfere with your writing. Be patient if the writings are just scribble at first. Some spirits may not have done automatic writing before. Expect the first writings to be large print or garbled word usage. It may take time for the spirit to learn to direct your hand, or to put thoughts into your mind." June began the opening prayer. "We ask for protection, guidance, and direction. We ask for the very highest spiritual guidance we are capable of using."
The members closed their eyes and mentally surrounded their body with God’s white light. Next, they mentally called upon their angels and guides for protection and guidance.
I imaged a circle of white light surrounding my body, then gripped the pencil firmly and waited to receive a message as a thought in my head.
Instead, much to my surprise, my hands begin scribbling large circles.
Even though I didn’t accomplish much that day, I recognized that something had moved my hand, and was trying to communicate with me. The following day, when I was home alone, I began automatic writing. I wrote several days a week, several hours at a time. Eventually, the scribbling turned into large print. After weeks of practice, the writing became more legible. Now my hand was writing fancy, curved script, writing archaic English words such as “thee” and “thou.” Words I would not commonly use. Often, when I placed the pencil in an upright position, my hand moved automatically, printing the word “OPEL.” At first, I didn’t understand why this name kept popping. My writings were usually in circular script. So why the large, bold print connected to the word Opel? After weeks of writing, I penned the question. Who is Opel? My hand raced across the paper, pressing hard in strong strokes and printed in bold letters. “I AM OPEL. I AM YOUR GUIDE. I HAVE BEEN WITH YOU SINCE YOU ENTERED THE EARTH PLANE. I AM PLEASED YOU ARE WRITING. CONTINUE WRITING.”
From that day on my writing often began with a same key phrase: “Opel is here. Let us begin.” I was delighted that I had found a way to connect with my personal guide. Through automatic writing, Opel acted as my conscience, warned me of danger, and encouraged me to use my intuition. After several weeks, I began by asking about personal prophecies, current problems, and how I could help other people. One day, the writing changed from Opel’s straight bold print to a softer script identifying a second guide named Peter. This writing told of a male guide who was a gambler in his last incarnation. Now, Peter gives me courage, so I would not back away from problems. Several days later, the writing informed me of another spirit guide, a German woman who had been a street sweeper in her last incarnation. Although the woman never wrote or gave a message, I could sense when she was present.