Letting Go
A Story of Change and Transformation
Book Details
About the Book
Part Memoir, part biography, this is a journey of change and transformation. This memoir offers a collection of Dan’s life learnings and challenges, and her ride on the emotional rollercoaster of life. It demonstrates that life is not linear, and when we overcome its challenges we face everything and rise. We build our resilience and come out stronger and wiser. Some days it may feel as though we are strong, but its step by step, day by day moving forward, even small steps in the right direction are still progress. Dan shares her life experiences and observations of her matriarchal line as a catalyst to help others navigate their own journeys, to push aside fear and implement changes to live their best and authentic life. Dan believes we are continuously healing from childhood trauma, family trauma, and cultural and generational trauma. When we heal ourselves, we ensure we don’t bleed on those who didn’t cut us. Dan is well aware she is not perfect and has made some glorious mistakes. However, as humans we are all perfectly imperfect and should not expect anyone else to be perfect. Also, our mistakes allow us to learn and apply these learnings so we can do better next time. Life is too short for regret – do everything with both feet in!
About the Author
Dan’s heritage consists of Indigenous, Thai, Burmese, North Vietnamese, French, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese & Korean: a rich tapestry of culture and diversity. Dan is also a life & leadership coach, children’s yoga instructor, model, artist, mother, daughter, granddaughter, niece, friend and sister. Her life has been rich – not in material wealth but in connection, friendship, purposeful work and spirituality. Dan’s parents fled the Vietnam War and were refugees to the United States of America. Her parents migrated to Australia and brought up their four children in Australia, the Lucky Country.