300 Days Living Like Locals

Aussie couple Neil McLean and Gai Reid travel to 20 idyllic locations in Europe and discover how the locals live

by Neil M. McLean

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/04/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781982290221
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781982290238

About the Book

300 Days Living Like Locals is part travel, part history and is a ripping read full of real life adventures. It delves into the local scene on a deeper level than your average read. A genuine page-turner, 300 Days is a fast-paced story and goes way off the beaten track. It takes you to places you will not find on the tourist brochures. Neil and Gai get you the inside story. How the French are protecting their vulnerable coastal land, we watch two sheep give birth on a Normandy farm, have lunch prepared by a world renowned Italian home cook after finding our own white truffles and we meet an American woman who lives in a huge fortress. We were lucky enough to spend a whole month in a stylish French Chateau and explore the intriguing and magnificent deep south of the country. We experience the charm of a secret cottage with a traditional thatched roof. Also get an inside tour of the most haunted castle in Scotland. For readers it is a truly vicarious experience.

About the Author

Popular Australian journalist Neil McLean and wife Gai Reid embark on a European adventure. Despite both being in their sixties, the pair embed themselves in the local culture, language, food and customs to truly experience how the locals live. Neil has traveled extensively yet never really reached into the lives of the local people. Neil has written thousands of news stories as well as a number of documentaries and other stories. His relaxed, personal style has won him fans across the globe. As a father of two daughters and now a grandfather, this 63 year old has nailed the intricacies of engaging and entertaining writing. He is a noted public speaker, having graced stages of the United States, Africa, New Zealand and South East Asia. He has produced a number of theatrical productions in Asia and is currently writing a training module for first time public speakers.