Muse Yourself

Finding Fun & Peace Outside of Your Mind through Self-Awareness

by Miche

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/05/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781982246532
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781982246525

About the Book

Miche realized she was blocking her own happiness by keeping past events active in her life story. Through hypnosis Miche found self awareness and a path to self love. Now with clarity, optimism and a magic curiosity for each day, Miche is eager to share her simple strategy for finding the path of least resistance to your much deserved better life! Muse Yourself walks you through easy steps, deep reflection and soothing guided meditations to allow you to arrive almost magically at the doorstep of your new, empowered, balanced and stable life fueled by unconditional love! This book was originally written to be a handbook for Miche’s “Muse Yourself” workshops and a resource for attendees to take home. However, it is also an excellent guide for an individual who likes to work through intimate issues privately, or can be a resource for groups of friends or small book clubs. Additionally, for sister/brother facilitators, it is an excellent resource for delivering your own workshops on Self Love/self awareness.

About the Author

Miche has worked most of her life serving her country in the Military. After transitioning out of the military, she found herself unable to escape the shadow thoughts that sabotaged her happiness. She came to realize some dark realities about her state of being, and so the search for an answer began. Miche discovered that given a few simple steps she could shed the heavy cloak of guilt, shame and pain and step into a life of love, relationship and joy. Miche is currently a Certified Hypnotherapist residing in San Diego.