The process of becoming aware is huge and not to be taken lightly. If you’re still figuring it out, that’s okay too.
Becoming conscious can be tricky for people who are learning to take responsibility. There is a stage between not knowing your burdens and knowing which burdens to learn from. Here we become aware that we invite and attract all our life experiences. Our current life is a reflection of what we think, feel and believe. So, what happens when we don’t like what we see?
This stage can be a difficult and painful one. It might feel like:
“Oh, my goodness, how could I let this happen?”
“I’ve done so much work on this, how come it’s still unresolved?”
“I have tried and tried to get rid of this, but it still bites me in the bum.”
“What’s wrong with me that I managed to invite this in?”
“What lesson do I need to learn here?”
“I think the Universe/God/the creator is trying to punish me”
“Am I being punished? Have I done something wrong?”
“It’s so and so’s fault, I didn’t cause this!!!”
I lived in this space for quite a few years, and it was hellish. Taking the Universe on as my sole responsibility was not only exhausting but served to make me more and more unwell and stressed. I knew about taking responsibility but took this on literally. It was my fault things were going wrong and it was my fault I was being served with issue upon issue and challenge after challenge. I could write an entire book based solely on the five to six years I lived in this place.
During this time, I felt like everything happening to me was a test I had to pass. I’d invited it in because I wasn’t “good enough” or “deserving enough” to have an easy life. Something was wrong with me that needed healing. I spent many sessions, months, and years trying to figure out all that was “wrong” with me. Physically, biochemically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Later, I went through a time when I blamed other people for bringing “their energy” into a space I needed to clear out, especially because I’m empathic and use it in my work a lot. I thought I felt crappy because of them. I reverted into a state of non-responsibility because, quite frankly, that was easier. My focus for a while became more about protecting myself than going within.
Can you see the theme here? All the self-talk was judgmental. All the reasons I struggled became a mission in: What is really wrong with Kate? or Who can I blame for this? What is going to keep someone in a state of suffering more than that? If you’re in a state of suffering and lack of acceptance, your ability to move on is limited.
In this period of my life, I had a belief system that I needed to be responsible for other people. I often put their needs before my own. Not only was everything that happened to me my fault, but everyone else’s stuff was as well. Only when I realised this many years later and understood these thoughts as a belief system and not my reality, could I truly heal.
The deeper the burden and the older and stronger the belief system, the more you need to spend time being at peace with it. This process can take days, weeks, or months. Sometimes you can feel healed only for it to surface years later in a different way. When things arose that I thought I’d “sorted”, they were deep burdens that needed more loving.
Don’t despair if this is happening to you. The most important take-away from this is it’s not your “fault” in the truest sense. If you can detach from blame and the situation at hand and see it as a conversation, as a part of you creating a mirror of your outside world, then you have the power to change it. “Responsibility” is being aware you can change. No more and no less.
Everything, everything, everything is just a conversation. The healing we go through is not to highlight our “faults” but to become okay with who we are, and to reunite the parts of us we have previously denied, avoided, or numbed ourselves from. As soon as we can love them and forgive them, then healing can begin.
I didn’t enjoy some of my inner belief systems. But I did feel compassion and was able to forgive them when I realised that although they were a deep unconscious part of me, they were still me; a part of me that is part of the oneness we all share as a human race. Remember, as you start to become aware of your life and what is and isn’t working, don’t go into the blame game! It’s not about that, it’s simply awareness about where to direct your healing efforts.
Imagine if we all did this. Imagine a world where each of us were in a state of oneness with ourselves through becoming aware of what we don’t like and then accepting, forgiving, and loving that part of ourselves so it can heal. Imagine the joy, love, compassion, acceptance, and vitality we would all have if we did this.
How beautiful would Earth be then?
We can create this. Through each of our intuitive heart revolutions, we are changing the world by becoming whole. Just by owning our stuff and healing it. Only then, we can become what our souls are crying out to be. We can connect to our deeper knowing and our life paths. We can find ourselves, our tribe, and our connection to the whole.
After all, isn’t that what this earth-life human journey is all about?