What does freedom really mean to you? Does it mean being able to do the things you love and waking up excited about life every day? Does it mean freedom from crippling anxiety, or the freedom to be yourself, express your thoughts and emotions without fear?
We can live in a free country, have a passport that enables us to travel where we like, we may have financial freedom and the means to live the lifestyle we desire, we may be free to choose whom to marry, what to believe in and what to do with our lives; we can choose our career and path, but we can still be a prisoner to our own emotional pain, our defenses and unwanted patterns that run our lives and determine what kind of relationships we end up in and what levels of success, health and happiness we allow ourselves to have – totally unconsciously. We may still not be truly happy or free.
A classic yogic mantra goes: “Lokah, samastah, sukhino bhavantu” – may all beings everywhere be happy and free. This is my desire: to see all beings happy and free. It does not mean the absence of challenges or difficulties in life, or even the absence of painful emotions. They are all a part of this human existence and experience. But we can learn to be truly happy and free amongst them (far beyond the “stiff upper lip” or the fake smile we put on for a show of a brave face when all we really want to do is scream).
I did not write this book to help you “fix yourself” or even to help you become a “better person”. In fact I live in a paradigm (personal reality) where there is absolutely nothing wrong with you, or anyone; there never was and never will be. In my reality you are perfect and divine as you are, even if your current experience may appear or feel contrary. Sometimes we forget that we are enough, and can live our lives believing a different reality of lack, hardship, stressful relationships, dissatisfaction and emotional struggle. I’ve been there too, and sometimes still pop in for a visit. But if you’d rather live in a different reality of easy and fulfilling relationships, personal peace, connection, joy and abundance, then read on.
In order to shift those areas of your life that are not working for you, you need to get to know yourself fully and get real about what is not working for you. This book is written as a manual to help you on that journey and expand from your old reality into a new paradigm where you meet those long lost parts of yourself, learn to get to know, accept and even love them, and thus remember your absolute unconditional worthiness beyond what you could currently imagine. Because that’s what you are: worthy of anything your heart desires, and more. You are a divine being from a divine source full of infinite potential, and so it is.
You may already know this on a mental level, but often the subconscious mind is riddled with strong core beliefs that speak differently. If your physical reality (= home, job, health, wealth, relationships, etc.) does not match the conscious idea you have about your worthiness, then you can be sure that contrary unconscious thoughts and beliefs are keeping you from fully embodying it.
Now it is time to embrace that, and live the life you dream of. These chapters and practical exercises will help you choose freedom wherever you feel stuck.
Let the exploration begin!
First of all we need to get clear about where we are not happy and free. There will be some necessary inventory of old piles of dirt – our old beliefs about ourselves and the world around us that no longer work for us; old defenses and masks that give us a false sense of safety, but deep down keep us feeling alone, misunderstood and unloved. We really need to “let that shit go” before we can enter into our new reality, and, before we can truly and completely let it go, we need to fully own it. I mean really, really own it, down to the dirty, yukky detail.
This can be a challenging process, particularly the part where we become aware of the patterns, beliefs and hidden personalities that keep us stuck, but have not yet shifted them. It is probably the most annoying part!
However, the good news is that bringing our unconscious motives and pay-offs into our conscious awareness will eventually shift them, effortlessly. It is a process that goes well beyond just reading the book: it’s an ongoing practice. I wrote this book for myself too. I also need to keep actively practicing the principles that I know work!
I promise you freedom
A word of warning: You may not like some of the content in this book! I am aware that some, or rather a lot, of this stuff is quite confronting. When you do get triggered by what you read – or anything in life for that matter – I recommend you go through that part again, extra carefully, as there will be something important for you. The moments when we get triggered are always prime opportunities for learning. They are where the treasure is hidden! Who said self-development was always going to be fun?! Well, when you are digging into some of the deepest corners of yourself it isn’t always going to be pretty. But what I can guarantee is that it will be worth it. I promise it will be worth persisting through the momentary resistance and discomfort you experience. I promise you freedom; nothing less.