"Hi, Tinkcr Bell."
"Hi, Mirabel. We1l, you have takel your time to get back with us devas."
"Yes, that's true, but I've been busy."
"Mmm, we know. But you do need your fuq and why you do you deign to check in with
us again?"
"Well, ;t's my birthday tomorfow. Tinker Bell. and I guess I lvanted to talk io you "
"Weil, Mrabel, we don't like to be ignored and then picked up like an old shoe when it
suits youl"
"What are you doing? . You're blowing up into an old shoel"
"We 1l?nt to be sure you get the message. Besides, it's nice being an old shoe "
"l thought you didn't like being treated like an old shoe."
"True, Mirabel. but this calls for an oQlanation."
"Now you're blowing up into your professor model What are you trying to rell me' Tinker
"Stop being so serious, Mirabel, it doesn't suit you. Do a jig or something, or put on that
ferocious drum music. It shakes up our psyche; we iove the beat alrd we dance llJ itl"
"Now, that's funny--you little beings dancjng to drumming."
"Well, we're glad your s€nse ofhumo. is returning."
"What do you mean 'retu.ning'?"
"Wel], you dumped that, too, like the old shoe. You've been l'ar too serious lateiy."
''You said that already, Tinker Bell."
"Well, wejust want to be sure you get our drift, manl"
"Nou what are you doing? . . . You've changed into a big, long-haired musician with
baggy pants You're too big. Tinkcr Bell. It docsn't sujt you, and your pants are l'alling olli"
"Cool it, Mirabel, eve44littg's funky."
"You're having fin with me. . . Now you're back to yotr professor mode "
"Mirabel, write this dowl."
''Your voice has changed. [t's deeper."
"So it is, Mirabel, so it is. This is a serious subject: seriousness in humans."
"Okay, okay, cut out thejargon. l'm ready "
"Let us begin, then. Being serjous robs you ofyourjoy, Mirabel Humans do not take
enough time out to play. And we mean 11d.f, not watching television or going fo a movie We
mean piay as clildren do. We see fun in all our little schemes And rle oeate them with tun built
h You humans, however, leach out all the fun ia your daily activities. And we have tweaked
some ofyou raith l'tumorousjokes and laughter at mankind's foibles Laughter, Mi.abel, is the
missing key in your lives. (You're crackling again. Mirabel.) We know you're not amused But
look al your lives, Mjrabel. Where is the ftrn? Why do humans hull and puffthemselves into
soulless careers? You've bought into the-how do you call it? the 'woridview"' or ideololiy
(no* I'm being pompous) that it is proper and co.rect to have a wonhy career' You lojl for all the
goodies your world dangles belbre you. And you buy them' Mirabel You ali think you're a
success. But are you happy? Qrlow, Mirabel, we hear your thouglts we will aliow you 1'our
time ) Horrors, what a 1it'el . . Whoopsl I see you exploding. Mirabell"
"We11, what do you expect? Some ofss have to work hard to keep body znd soul
"Come, come. Mirabel, yo! know there are kannic conditions factored into this."
''Okay, I hear you-and stop tweaking my nose. it's distracting mel What l'm saying is
that some p€ople havc no choice but to take any job to raise their siandard ofliving lbr
themselves and to have a better life lbr their children "
"Ah, mav I interrupt you, l\4irabel? Whal's a 'better life'? One predicated by human
beings in their ivory towers ofinstitutions?"
"Now you're doing it again . . . blowing up like ajudge pronouncing a seitence."
"Too h!e, Mirabel-the concept is 'You must work hard all the days ofyour lives. Toil is
youl lot. You must bu-v our goods to fulllll you. meager ljves. We have ever!'thing yon needl"'
"Stop, Tinker Be1l. Now your voice sounds like a death sentencel"
"Well, it is, Mirabel. It js a living death you have all bought into.''
"Well, how do you suggest we live? What's your altemative? After all, we've been
'toiling' for miilennia. '
"Nolv. r'low, h{irabel, you're getting angry againl"
"I agree with you that we don't take time out to play, bui how can we humans do that
'"vhen our workdays are long? And you've gone offon a tangenl again, Tinker Bell You stalted
olltalking aboui playing. but never defined it. Let's play, Tinker Belll'"
"Ai, you've got me there, Mirabel. I bow 10 your wishes."
"You're being sarcastic, Tinker Bell and stop tickling my earsl"
"Mi abei. we are lying to nnke you laugh. / ira Mirabel. Remembe. what that is?"
"Okay, okay, I got the message!"
"Do you get it? Let's see. Suppose you are peeling potatoes. I hear you already. sayjrg,
'Where's the fun in that?' Let's ask you, Mirabel who aIe you peeljng the potatoes for?
Yourself or your honey" or good friends? A change occurred in your aura when I said 'honey.'
This is the one you love, is he not?"
"Ycs. ofcourse."
"But, Mirabel, what about love for yourself.l"
"What are you doing, Tinker Bell? . . You're blowing up again."
"Good, Mrabel, I'n blowing up your fun cells! They were flat" my humal friend."
"Now you're being pompous "
"Let me finish. Nou *'here was I? Ah, yes. Fun is love and love is fun, Mirabel. When
you treat your everyday tasks as fun, they cease to be chores, duties, something to he dreaded
Look at your daily life with an attitude ofmischievousness. Peel the potato a different way, talk to
it. lt, too, has an awarcness ofyou."
"Oh, my, where are rl,'e olI'to now?"
"Yes, it does, Mirabel."
''Now you're blowing up into a big potato, Tinker Belll"
"Yes. my golden one, I aml I think I look vety handsome as a potato-lots of eyes; njce,
firm brow'r skin, and lovely white meat inside ofmel Mirabel, it is I the potato that speaks. I
come to you with love and gmlitude I have been grown solely to serve you. That is my lot jn iil'e.
Do you like that turn of phrase, Mirabel? lt is a favorite ofyou humans. We a.e tweaking yoll
"Hmm. I know you arq but, pray" do continue."
'Now, Mirabel, sulky, sulky! Well, as I said, I am now a potato How will you cook me?
Boil me, fry me, bake me? Neat idea. isr't it? Now you have to cook a talking potatol Got you
ttlere, Mirabel!"
"somehow we've strayed from the original subject seriousness "
. "No, we haven't. We have merely spread some delicious jam over jt love and fun! Treat
everything around you as conscious living tlrings. Talk to them" and thaflk tbem lbr coming to
yon, Mirabel. Every nrorsel offood, every blade of grass, every anjmal, every bild. every insect,
everything io the universe is there for yourjoy and use. Today praotice being with that tbod you
prepare for your lunch Ask it if it has a message ior you."
"l think you're off your little head, Tinker Reil.'-
"Try it. Mirabel, try itl You kno*, you used to daice wl'ten you prepared your food. You
would dance and sit'tg to yourself, do you remember?"
"Yes, I do, Tinker Bell. I guess I forgot when I became so busy with the house "
"Yes, Mirabel, you did. We devas love to be around humans who have fun in their lives
We send them more fun, and more fun. It gives us pleasure. Mlabel. And I know what you're
thinking \!hat about all the hungry people in the world? How can they have fune we will ieave
that {b. aoother day, Mirabel "
"You're turning into a big somber judge again, Tinkel Bell Why?"
"!Vell, your energy changed into a shade ofgray when you mentioned huoger in the
llorld, Mirabel. You know as well as I do that there are circumsta[ces that must be iived out on
your eafih plane that we cannot inlerfete with. You are not patt ofthat scene anymore Now jt is
your time for fun, that is v/hy we are here. We are the avatars offun, and fun we mean to have
with vou, Mirabell You'rc read)' lor itl Go and talk to your potatoes' Mirabell we are offto the
garden to have l'un with the plants aod the other flfng creatures Adios, N'tirabel we'll tickle
your nose occasionally to see how you are doingl"
Messlge, Look dt the ryb you h&e credted.for yoltsev. ls i! one delemineLl h!- itltitilktiots d