Activate the Warrior Within

The Ultimate Guide to Living at Your Highest Potential

by Shea Webb

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/11/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781504311625
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781504311403

About the Book

We all have within each of us, a warrior spirit who wants to live free at our highest potential. This warrior spirit within each of us is timeless, fearless and has the power to take action on all of the amazing talents, strengths and opportunities that we have unique to our individuality.

Our mind controls our body and when we tap into the mind and activate our warrior within, we have the courage, strength and self-discipline to take action and stay on course with our unique destiny.

Why aren't most people living out their Dharma and fulfilling their Destiny with all of the boundless opportunities available today?

Most people are so distracted with everything going on out there and in their day-to-day lives that they never gain true clarity, oneness and direction. They were never taught the principles and laws of destiny that you will learn in Activate The Warrior Within. Our warrior spirit within usually lays dormant until it is activated, strengthened and harnessed.

Activate The Warrior Within blends the Yin (soft) and the Yang (hard) of mental toughness and being at one with yourself, living a life full of love, health, happiness, wisdom, wealth, prosperity, success and abundance on your own terms. It is designed with exercises throughout the entire book that you can take action on, to strengthen and improve your mental and physical health, strength and discipline, to not only create and start living your dream life, but to have the inner strength and the tools to keep living it and fulfilling your unique destiny.

About the Author

Shea Webb has been helping people transform mentally, physically and spiritually through his health center for over a decade. After a life-changing accident Shea learnt to activate his warrior spirit within to overcome adversity, re-design and transform his life. Shea’s passion is helping others activate their own warrior spirit within to fulfill their own destiny and achieve their dreams.