It's Ok Not To Cry

by Gina Schampers

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/02/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781504350914

About the Book

Life is never the same from that moment you hear any bad news. The loss of a person, pet, home, relationship—all can be life altering. Finding out how to deal with life in a new way, in a “new normal,” is the reality of the situation. There is no one right way to grieve. Everyone goes through it differently, and nobody can tell you how to grieve.

Nobody can understand what you are going through, and nobody can understand the relationship you had with that person. Life will never be the same. You don’t have that person to call when you have a question anymore. They are no longer there to share your funny inside jokes with anymore.

It’s Ok Not to Cry was written to help others who have gone through a loss. It is not all seriousness and tears. Hopefully it will leave you with a smile.

About the Author

Gina Schampers was a twenty-eight-year-old adult orphan. She lost her father at the age of twenty-three and her mother, unexpectedly, at the age of twenty-eight, when she was six months pregnant. She has experienced loss in her life and struggled with knowing how to deal with it.