I was born to be a truth seeker
Although I didn't know it at the time
I didn't learn my fate till I was grown
Learning my destiny while well in my prime
All I knew was that I was disliked and abused
By those who were supposed to love me
I was insulted, taunted, beat and harassed
Till suicide was an idea I thought would be my reality
Although I was depressed and mistreated
Not one family member tried to help or defend me
I was left to fend for myself
Folks just thought I was crazy so they let me be
Looking back I realize I was different
So when you're different you are feared
Yet all the time I was watching and listening
And questioning how I was being reared
Since no one wanted to pay attention
To anything I had to say
And no one cared what I was about
It was like hell trying to get through each day
I was left with a tyrant of a grandmother
Whom everyone was afraid to confront
It was every man for himself it would seem
And I being low on the totem pole, was considered a runt
I was called names too rude to repeat
And showed no respect at all
Although I treated everyone well
All I could do was hide behind the coats in the hall
Time spent wondering why I was so hated
I too began to think I was wrong
This couldn't be my family, I would ponder
So then where did I belong?
I would immerse myself in my religion
Which confused me even more
All the people who were so mean to me
Professed to be religious to the core
All I could do was keep praying and watching
And soon began getting messages from a voice inside
I felt more alone than ever with a secret I had to keep
With no one to talk to—no one in whom to confide
It wasn't until in my mid twenties
That I was finally able to make a life of my own
Although grown and working I still did their bidding
I loved them although to me love was not shown
It was years before I came to realize
The harm they had done to me
By then most of them had passed on
Still revered in my mind, as I could see
Because I had no social skills
Kept alone, submissive, and humble
The outside world treated me the same as my family had
As through one bad union after another I'd stumble
The voices in my head kept sending messages
I refused to acknowledge out of fear
Fearing they were from my insane youth
I resolved not to listen—not to hear
But they seemed to come from someone who cared
For the first time something was trying to help
I didn't understand it but it comforted me
And whatever it was, it was good, so I felt
I soon learned it was Spirit and I was being prepped
I would soon be challenged and tested
It wasn't easy, but my life never had been
So on the Path I was till I'd be vested
With each test I'd pass I'd receive a new a gift--
A healing, a blessing, something to believe in
People now listen, realizing I'm not different, but special
Where they are going and trying to get, I have been
I have wisdom—answers to questions
Questions that have long plagued man
I know the truth and I'll share it
In a way that man can understand
Yes, it was worth it, every struggle, every wound
All the tears, all the torment, the angst and the pain
Yes, I'd do it again to get to the truth
To share with other seekers who have much to gain
Dedicated to those on the Path
SuniMiniPaw 10/19/13
The secret to blessings is believing
And the secret to believing is trust
Spirit works best when you believe in it
In fact, belief and trust are a must
Spirit Guides beg to be used
They are here for us –waiting to be called
Once we ask for their help, we must trust
And we will be tested until trust is installed
How exciting once one realizes how belief works
How simple the practice is
So simple it's taught to children
Yet, once mastered, one feels like a whiz
Children can be expected to believe
Yet, as adults, believing is too simple a concept
Foolish, we'd be called if anyone knew
Yet I never felt foolish at all with the precept
If one asked for something and felt deserving
Then one would trust that it would be given
So simple, so basic, that even I, a doubting Thomas
Can master trusting, especially once it is proven
If you know you are loved and deserving
And that spirit is here on your behalf
Then it's easy to believe your best interest is at heart
As you grab hold with both hands to life's staff
Dedicated to those who believe
SuniMiniPaw 10/26/13
Look up at those strange graffiti lines in the sky
Look up and hope that nothing drops in your eye
What are they doing—what does it all mean?
What are they spraying—us it would seem
Such a distraction that no one bothers to see
Why do we allow it, say nothing, the spray is the key
They're out to get us or am I just paranoid?
How come it just bothers me—those lines in the void?
Stay inside, cover your head, your children your pet
If the lines mean nothing then why do I fret?
What falls on our heads—what seeps thru our brain
What mars our heavens, barely leaving a stain
Why aren't people angered, why don't they complain?
What is in the chem-trails—what do they contain?
Do the sprays cause Alzheimer’s, our cancers, our pain?
Do they cause our stress, mental illness, what is to gain?
Are they used to control us, to keep us in line?
Yet, drive us insane at the same time?
Will wearing a hat help shield and protect
What can we do—very little I bet
We're pawns in a game that we know we can't play
Manipulated and toyed with, used merely as prey
Dedicated to all us prey
SuniMiniPaw 10/10/2013
I CRY for the children who die in the street
I CRY for the mothers who lie at their feet
I CRY for the planet that's changing for the worst
I CRY for Mother Nature who was here first
I CRY for mother earth who's tried hard to provide
I CRY for our Creator who struggles to get man to abide
I CRY for the soldiers who sacrifice for us in good stead
I CRY for our lawmakers who control us with dread
I CRY for the rich who are convinced their money buys all
I CRY for the poor who because of the wealthy are made to feel small
I CRY for the ignorant who will never be blessed with good sense
I CRY for the mean and judgmental who care little for consequence
I CRY at the thought of what this world will become
I CRY for those who take their own lives, who are forced to succumb
I CRY for the generations to follow—for the world they inherit
I CRY for the people that now rule without merit
I CRY for respect and love and honor, all of which seem to be lost
I CRY at last for the goodness of life, which seems lost at all cost
Dedicated to those who are lost
SuniMiniPaw 11/21/13