We have all been indoctrinated to align with matter, to align with the physical world. Matter does matter, to use a really bad pun. However, it just a manifestation of the underlying energetic layer of reality. We all feel lost. We are all seeking truth and meaning. It really starts with uplifting, protecting, and nurturing sensitive people, whoever they may be. To treat them with the standards of a matter based universe, it to deny their true potential, and their abilities to help foster healthy connection amongst people and communities. It starts with protecting and nurturing sensitives around us. But it also is an exercise to cultivate the sensitive quality we each intrinsically possess. We can all experience the world energetically, and bring balance into our own lives, aligning harmoniously with the energetic world and the physical world. It need not be competing sides. It takes time to build bridges and form an armistice, so we can all live more full lives, aligned with the actual reality of energy. Unfortunately, we are running out of time. From social and political unrest, to apocalyptic environmental change, it is time to play our wild card and ascend into our magical spirituality. You are your own best guide, for we are all blessed with the ability to attune our sensitivity and activate our subtle senses. However, sensitives like myself can help guide the way, and that is what I aim to do with this book. Let me be your Golden Sherpa, an early incarnate Golden Child that is charging ahead. This book is me calling over my shoulder as I climb the peaks of magical spirituality, encouraging you to follow in my footsteps. In my first book, Modern Magic: Reclaiming Your Magical Heritage, I articulated a modern view redefining magic as real, simple, and user-friendly while inviting readers to discover their own magical heritage. In The Golden Sherpa: Ascending Into Magical Spirituality I will describe what it actually feels like to interact with this magical energy: your own spiritual energy, the spiritual energy of other beings, and the universal energy grid that connects all living creatures. To engage a new magical spirituality, we must become more conscious of energy, take responsibility for our own energy, and fine tune our subtle senses. We are conditioned in childhood to squash our subtle senses, as we move from childhood to adulthood and are encouraged to abandon imaginary friends, forsake playtime, and forget how to let our hearts guide us to our own bliss. Magical spirituality is not something new to be learned, just something we have forgotten. And the possibilities of how we can ascend our spirits and bring magic into this world are infinite. Emotional reality and spiritual reality are one in the same. Our emotional experience can foster relationships, heal ourselves and others, create miracles, and transform our very reality. We know this, because, everyone has experienced this, some in smaller capacities than others. I believe we get scared of our hearts very easily, hence why we discourage emotional expression, sensitivity, and stigmatize “bleeding hearts” as illogical. But, our hearts’ energetic signature is far more powerful than our minds1, and we have all forsaken its true power and destiny. Our emotions form dense strings of invisible biophotons, superimposed upon physical reality, which reverberate out across the universe. To put it another way, we create energetic light with our emotions. Like a pebble dropped into a pond and forming larger and larger concentric ripples as it echoes outward. Proactively owning our emotions, rather than falling victim to them and reacting unconsciously to the world, is key to cultivating a magical spirituality. We can create what ripples we want to leave in the universe. We will explore this in detail in Parts 1 and 2, which deal with the light side of experiencing energy and the shadow side of experiencing energy. Mapping the energetic signature of emotion as a primary communication and manifestation vehicle will be explored in Parts 3 and 4, which deal with passively and actively engaging with energy. Waking up to the truth of energy can be scary. It can make your feel alone, delusional, and even crazy. Believe me, I’ve been there. But you are not alone. The Golden Sherpa is here to guide you. Follow me. Let my words give you hope and inspiration as we journey together in this most exciting moment in the history of our planet and civilization. Our collective futures are incumbent on how quickly we get there, and from what I’ve seen, there are millions of souls right on the precipice of being able to ascend effortlessly into the realm of magical spirituality. Where Spirit guides, supports, and loves us infinitely. All of this, our physical reality, is but a dream. We can birth our own realities if we can remember that we are the dreamer, the dream does not possess us. Too often we lose track of this truth, and we find ourselves in our own self-created nightmares. We can dream a better reality for ourselves, and our planet, by remembering we are magical creatures, by reclaiming our magical heritage, and cultivating a new magical spirituality. Let’s ascend!