Fearless Vision Project

Spiritual Shortcuts to Success Workbook: Turning Wantrepreneurs into Entrepreneurs

by Lynne Leahy

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/12/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9781452582672

About the Book

The Fearless Vision Project is a simple and practical way to ignite universal energy to fulfill your ambitions and life goals through the power of visioning.
It begins with the creation of your Fearless Vision Project book. The Fearless Vision Project book, like the stars at night, will be a treasured, lifetime visual journal always guiding you towards your greater good.
You can then meet with others to supercharge your visions. You can use this book in a mastermind group, a meetup group or create your own Fearless Vision Project group.
Your Fearless Vision Project book is portable and private. But unlike a vision board in the privacy of your office or bedroom, the Fearless Vision Project when shared with others creates accountability. It’s pretty hard to start backpedaling on your goals and dreams when your friend or group has already seen the bigger picture of you.
The Fearless Vision Project will propel your life and your career to new heights.

About the Author

Lynne Leahy is a successful business leader, keynote speaker and serial entrepreneur. She has started, successfully operated and sold six companies including a technology company eventually sold to Oracle Corp. and a regional technology company she sold to an International company on the London Stock Exchange. Lynne started using the principles outlined in Fearless Vision Project in 1975. She is the single mother of two sons and has one grandchild. Lynne has lived in the heart of the Silicon Valley her entire life and has always been inspired by the visionary culture of Northern California.
Lynne has been featured in Business Week Magazine, San Francisco Business Times, Silicon Valley Business Ink and California CEO Magazine. She has written and published four books and has been a keynote speaker at regional, national and international events including AIIM- Dusseldorf, Women Seeing Beyond, National AIIM- New York, Women's Initiative and BTA Las Vegas.
Lynne has also been the "first" woman in many of her achievements and is dedicated to helping women entrepreneurs (and all entrepreneurs) realize their dreams.