When I began this journey (to shift out of my ego and into my spirit) I did not know what was happening or where it was leading. I just allowed it to begin. It was occurring outside of my own direction. Early on, I felt moved to capture the process. Within a few days of beginning to write, I wrote down the following intention:
My goal is to create something that will help others. I believe by being as open and honest as possible, in sharing stories about what I have been learning, that I will be able to help others in their application of the wisdom that so many of our great spiritual teachers have shared. I believe, with God, anything is possible and ask that He work through me, to help others. I ask that I be an instrument of Your peace.
I, then, added the following:
These essays will go where they are meant to go and will be read and understood by those who are meant to see them, in their path. My role is to listen to Divine guidance and to let the rest go. This work is for peace, love, and joy.
Prior to each writing (and editing) session, I prayed for guidance and read this intention. This project has been one of constant surrender. My process was to completely give over to His will and ask that I be guided to align with the plans that He has for the project. I saw myself as a vehicle, not the driver.
My writing sessions were prompted by the realizations, epiphanies, and new understandings that I was gaining, in viewing my experiences through a new light. Some essays captured the complete lesson in the initial draft, whereas others began as an outpouring of thoughts on the topic, but required more time to reach a conclusive end. I have tried to capture the progression of my lessons, while, at the same time, bringing conclusive lessons to the essays that began as an outpouring of thoughts on the topic.
As the collection of essays grew, more elements to the project were revealed to me. I began to see that the common theme, in my growing number of essays, was shifting out of ego into spirit (hence, the subtitle to this book). Once, when I thought I was nearing the end of my editing process, I was moved to add a new layer to each of the essays that more conclusively directed my thoughts to you. I stayed open to being guided, in this manner. In reading spiritual books, I began to understand my personal journey through the contextual references shared, in them. When Eckhart Tolle and Ram Dass pointed to contemplation and reflection of ordinary experiences as a part of becoming consciously aware, a light bulb went off, in my mind, as I realized that was what was happening, in my journey. I, then, saw a greater intent and purpose behind being moved to capture my own experiences…I saw that they could be used as a vehicle to show others how to do the same, in their lives. That is my hope.
This journey (to shift out of ego and into spirit) can be as rough or as gentle as we make it or allow it to be. I opt for the gentle path, though my own experiences have shown where I lacked gentleness. I hope by sharing those experiences that you are able to emulate gentleness, in your journey. The most liberating lesson, for me, is simply to be okay with where I am…to trust that everything is occurring in divine timing. The more open we are to this, the more peaceful this journey becomes. We are learning the lessons that we are meant to be learning, in the time that we are meant to be learning them. To push ahead faster than our timing allows, creates unnecessary resistance. This does not mean to be inert. Action is required, but it can be done gently (by allowing divine timing to work).
Being open also allows for the stumbles that are bound to occur. The stumbles are necessary to the journey, as they have the potential to reveal some of our most potent lessons. Coming face-to-face with the same type of stumble is an indication that we either have not yet learned the lesson or that there is still a deeper lesson to be learned. Even though the darkness can be quite frustrating, I encourage you to stay open to light being brought to it. Light is just around the corner, and with it, comes liberation.
This journey is a slow unmasking of all that is false, within us, such that we begin to emerge forth in truth. The journey’s goal is to strip away all illusions (ego) that block us from being and expressing ourselves through spirit. Working through these illusions feels a bit like ripping a band aid from our skin. It stings while it is being ripped free from us, but the sting quickly subsides. In this journey, the sting is directly related to our time spent clinging to our ego. When we let go, we break free from the pain and frustration. I try to keep this in mind, when struggles arise. It immediately places my attention on the goal of the journey…to know truth.
At the root of our being, is a love that does not fear how it is perceived. That love is our true essence. We are meant to be expressions of this love. Throughout my essays, I chronicle my journey through the barriers to this love. Sometimes the barriers were immediately dispelled. Sometimes a greater struggle was necessary. Sometimes I dispelled them through a specific situation, only to have them come back and bite me again. Some still exist. The journey continues….
I invite you to join me on this journey and I offer the following: I offer all that I have learned, thus far. I offer all that I have been guided to share. I offer my humility, my compassion, and my love.
May you see your struggles as teachers of light and allow the lessons that they bring forth, free you to love without fear.
With much love,
Shanna Covey
San Antonio, TX
May 18, 2012