The Anxiety and Panic Handbook
A practical, DRUG-FREE guide to healing
Book Details
About the Book
A compact, all-inclusive, step-by-step handbook, sized to fit in a handbag. Contains an individual workable plan of action designed to facilitate healing.
This handbook is designed to share the tools I used to regain control of my life. By using my techniques, you can achieve results without resorting to medication, and it can be achieved within eight to twelve weeks. You can transform your world of fear and restriction to total freedom and peace of mind within this short amount of time, if you fully commit and dedicate yourself to using my program with passion.
My handbook provides you with a practical guide that will only take a few hours to read, without delving into complicated analysis and causes. It is about dealing with the issues and symptoms that are happening in the present and working toward regaining control quickly and inexpensively, whilst still in a comfortable home environment. My book provides an alternative to many treatments that involve medication and months or years of therapy. I believe that by focusing on the present and the future, and not reliving past experiences, you can achieve quick, lasting results. This book teaches you to deal with what is happening now, regain control of your thoughts, and move forward.
I have included a special chapter solely for your friends and family to read. It provides an insight into what you are going through and gives them practical advice on what they can do to support your recovery.
About the Author
Sharon Feighan lives in Newcastle, Australia, and attended university in the USA from 1985 to 1989 on a tennis scholarship. In 1991, Sharon developed an anxiety disorder that she conquered without medication or extensive therapy. She works full time, runs her own remedial massage business, and is happily living a full life, free from anxiety.