We have all been born into society today as the new magical generation we call indigo, crystal, rainbow, and star children. We have been arriving with amazing unique gifts as it was in the beginning.
We are the children who create the ultimate energy force to transcend humanity through the upcoming change in consciousness and into the next dimension.
We are all born masters, each and every one of us. We have been given the names from the world media and general public as highly evolved beings holding stronger soul vibrations, with the natural healing abilities acting as a channel for the universal energy flow. We have indigo colours in our auras and are intuitive, highly sensitive to the feelings and the essence of others, and telepathic. We read others like an open book.
As light workers and light bodies, these healing abilities assist us to find connection and peace within ourselves and others. Some of our generation, however, haven’t yet tapped into our higher self and require guidance from other gifted children with these abilities. We easily learn to do this by tuning good and bad energy and channelling these vibrational messages to others for healing. Our basic understanding of energy will make it possible to manipulate energy in new ways.
As highly evolved beings, we must, however, continue to live a balanced life. Therefore, it is important to understand living with balance between who we are as spiritual messengers and as physical human beings. Our need to break from the previous generation is overwhelming, as it should be to explore more of who we are about.
We find that when we are influenced by some of our friends and families, through fads and trends, in return we may create a block to protect ourselves from negativity; however, these blocks can prevent us from using our full healing potentials. These blocks, which some of us can experience, are easily overcome by connecting with our inner child, and nature, and are simply reminders to balance and ground our physical connection with earth so that we can continue to assist others with the energy shift. We can decipher the good and bad energy and remind ourselves that we deserve unconditional respect from our friends and family as we know who we are and wish to be treated accordingly.
Our senses are so strong that some of us are heightened in areas that are beyond physical manifestation. We have the gift of knowing all the time about everything, and we can easily understand and reason with anyone about any issue requiring resolutions and tell it how it is. We are especially good at problem solving. Any task given, we have a solution for. Where there may be something considered impossible, we find ways to break them down into possibilities.
We commonly receive messages through our dreams. They are intense and in most cases lucid. They come to us when we are astral travelling and our deceased loved ones come as humans, symbols, and energy.
Sometimes we experience premonitions for which we prepare ourselves for the coming of the change of consciousness. We know that soon our world will be shaken up and our beloved creator is preparing us for what’s going to be happening next. We gain mastery of life by knowing and trusting ourselves.
Our responsibility is to encourage others who are like-minded to commune together and shift humanity into the next dimension, bringing about a safer planet and peace on earth. We are already frustrated with the way humanity is treating the Earth, and we will be the change. We will change others because this is our purpose for humanity to ascend spiritually.
Enduring boredom is our greatest challenge, which is why we have the time to group together as clans or tribes and make this change. Our greatest joy is random personal expansion, hence why we thrive on the reactions we receive when we use our gifts to help and guide others to empowerment. This is similar to the simple law of ancient pagan society: “Do what you will; harm none.”
As indigo children and young adults born in the later 70s and 80s, we must start pulling together and spreading the word. We must encourage the shift within each individual in order to prepare our coming of the crystal, rainbow, and starseed generations, who are empowering light within this metaphysical plane through the change we are experiencing.
We already know that we are spiritual beings living a human experience on this planet we call Earth, and we know that our gifts of life, which we are all born with, are common with each of us—not just our generation.
We need to transcend humans to the next level by shaking them up through realising there is no such doing as evil, as it is ego, and this we are not. We are all love and peace within. That is who we really are and why we need to remember.
If humans choose not to remember, humanity will further endure government corruption and religious war. Mother Nature will continue to destroy the Earth through catastrophes that humans have created through their own selfishness and greed.
For we must teach them to remember who we are, why we are here and our life purpose, and that surrendering yourself to all that is love. We will shift through the current dimension and into the next, with a change in consciousness and one step closer to world peace.
We shall project ourselves outwards as fragments of the oneness and into the mortal world of space and time as individual incarnations. We deserve to be here and we respond as we are respected.
Has it not been written that a child shall lead them? We need to show humanity the way and where it’s leading! Our generations are forefront in the knowings.