Rushing to Yoga

by Marilee J. Bresciani

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/06/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781452534732
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781452534718

About the Book

Rushing to Yoga details how awakenings may be found in distant countries as we search to find ourselves, but they also can occur daily in our lives. The stories included describe how we can benefit from our daily lives if we only take a moment to stop rushing around and allow the learning—the remembering—to occur. We don’t need to spend a fortune, flying to Bali or Italy. Our awakenings, our remembering can occur right here in our daily lives, as long as we have a sense of humor and some fabulous friends to help us identify them and remember them. Rushing to Yoga is based on real stories about author Marilee Bresciani’s life, stories that are like what many middle-class Americans may have experienced as they search for meaning. She shares these stories, couched in humor, with the intent that they will inspire reflection and discourse. There are no answers in this book. Rather, readers may find humor in their own adversities and use them as opportunities to reflect upon the lessons learned. When adversities are faced with humor, and when lessons are learned in our daily lives, we should share those lessons with others, so that we truly can grow in joy, love, and peace.

About the Author

Marilee J. Bresciani is professor of postsecondary education at San Diego State University. In order to keep from going crazy with trying to get the public to care about what students are actually learning, she has sought yoga and meditation. Marilee’s mantra is, “I teach what I need to learn.”