Sober Identity
Tools for Reprogramming the Addictive Mind
Book Details
About the Book
The nightmare of drinking can end—today! The criteria: You must choose to learn how to stop and stay stopped. Take a unique and refreshing look at the science behind our addictive drinking patterns and see how we’ve subconsciously and unwittingly programmed ourselves for failure. Learn to reprogram your subconscious mind and begin the journey that will forever change the trajectory of your life. A new you is waiting to emerge. Will you let it? Holding on is killing you; letting go is unfathomable. The acquisition of life skills, competencies, and universal principles will change your relationship with alcohol—forever. • Understand the power of your subconscious mind and why you couldn’t stop drinking even when you’ve thought you wanted to. • Learn and implement the five key competencies for lasting sobriety. • Get comfortable with you—so comfortable that the thought of drinking becomes ludicrous. Learn to be thriving, not surviving, in your life!
About the Author
Lisa Neumann is a life skills and recovery coach and a fully recovered alcoholic. She is the founder of Competency Coaching, a creative coaching agency that works with individuals struggling to maintain sobriety. She lives with her family in San Juan Capistrano, California.