Abolishing our fear of death:
Knowledge is the best therapy for fear, especially if we have a fear of what happens to us when we pass from this life into the afterlife. There are many who are sceptical about the idea of life after death, because they have allowed the misleading limited aspects of their ego-mind to reject anything that their physical eye cannot see, or anything their ego cannot comprehend. Yet, in the course of time they will themselves enter into spirit life, and will get a great surprise when they realise that they have not died!
There are many others who shy away from the subject of death, and are uncomfortable and reluctant to talk about it. It is a taboo subject mainly because in our western culture, we have never been encouraged to talk openly about it or accept its reality and there is a collective avoidance of anything that reminds us of our mortality. Yet, although having a fear of death is natural, death of our physical body is a profound and inevitable part of life and if we explore it and accept this certainty, we allow ourselves to recognise that our death from this world is a part of the natural flow of life. Its understanding encourages us to live more purposefully by focussing on what truly matters.
Although there is certainly a great deal of sadness that comes with the notion of death, in terms of loss of relationships and attachments, this emotion in itself is still a ploy of our ego that can make all seem tragic and does not allow us to see the larger perspective of the whole. When we grieve the loss of a loved one, we are in reality grieving our own loss. We need to reflect on the actuality that our loved one is now free from the dense energy of their physical body, earthly restraints, worry and any ills or pain. So they are now in a more peaceful state, and radiating peace through being totally renewed in Spirit.
Although the fear of death dominates the lives of many, it is simply the separation of the soul and spirit from our deceased body, and the real aspect of us, the essence of who we are, travels on into the next life, the spiritual realm. At the point of our passing, our loved ones, friends and relatives who are already in spirit come to meet us with love and empathy and guide us through our transition into the Light, and we may even be aware of their presence long before we depart. For any of us suffering from distressing conditions or grave illnesses prior to passing, arrangements are made in spirit for a period of care and convalescence to give time for any distresses to disappear and to open our outlook gradually to the new way of life into which we have entered. The first thing we will notice on our passing, is that there is absolutely no pain attached to the matter of our passing, and it is just a gentle transition to a much freer and fuller life.
Following our transition from physical life into the spirit world, we initially enter into a way of life, without any marked change within us. We do not suddenly possess infinite wisdom, because we will know no more than the understanding and awareness that we bring with us when we pass……….
Who am I?
Which lens are we choosing today to view our life?
Transforming our pain into strength:
Why are we learning the same lessons over and over again?
Why is there so much evil and suffering in the world?
Raising our vibration for the collective good of all:
Recognising the need to hold deep trust within:
Everyone that we encounter can be our teacher:
True kindness:
Abolishing our fear of death:
Divine wisdom is within us all:
There are many spiritual levels within us all:
The wonderful benefits of living with acceptance:
Recognising negative and positive influences in our life:
The reality of free will:
What happens to our beloved pets when they die?
True confidence comes from within us:
It’s not our inner wounds that transform us, it’s the understanding and the healing process:
The importance of living a life of gratitude:
Understanding and accepting our ‘shadow self’:
Our weaknesses often helps us to discover our inner power and strength:
The role of an empath:
Making peace with our past encumbrances:
When we have an open mind:
We need to stop worrying about ‘things’ that are not in our control:
Judgment does not exist in the next life, it only exists in this life:
Connecting with our inner strength:
The Universal Law of Attraction - Like attracts like:
Inner peace is our true nature:
Understanding the doorways to our heart through our mind:
God’s Divine Plan:
The power of words:
Recognising our intuition:
We can either get ‘bitter’ or ‘better’ – our choice:
We all have quiet courage within us:
We often limit ourselves through our ego mind:
The impermanence of earth life:
Nobody is a lost soul:
Human perfection is a myth, yet inner perfection is a reality:
Blending our inner and outer world:
Our ego activates hostile emotions:
Coping with difficult encounters with others:
Our soul and spirit are eternal:
Finding a fulfilling life:
Seeing life through our soul’s perspective:
Destroy negative thoughts when they are at their weakest:
Eternal Blessings versus Life Blessings:
Our ego mind versus our Divine mind:
We all have ‘low’ days
We all have the ability to communicate with our deceased loved ones, who never leave us:
Our spiritual core values are already inherent within us:
The art of contentment:
There are always reverberating effects of our actions:
Affirmations can totally change our thinking:
Energy transfer is real:
Shifting from our ego mind to our Divine mind:
Let’s share our light out into the world:
Silence is very important in our lives.