The Sense of Self Method Workbook

A 12-week Program to Reduce Stress and Rediscover your Authentic Self

by Antoinetta Vogels

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/09/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9798765253496

About the Book

Want to reduce stress and anxiety? Turn the tables on self-sabotage and insomnia? Become successful in all areas of your life? The Sense of Self Method Workbook is based on the SoS Method, which provides insight into the motivation that’s responsible for the outcome of your life. This workbook helps to positively transform: – the way you respond to challenges; – your motivation for personal and professional choices; – your relationship with your Self and others; – your ability to be the best parent. The Sense of Self Method helps you: – restore your Sense of Self; – break free from the need to please others; – develop the mindset and skills to become your own person; – fi nd out why things aren’t working for you; why you don’t get desired results; what you have to do to make things better; and how to start living from your own head and heart.

About the Author

Antoinetta Vogels was born in 1946 in the Netherlands at the end of World War II. She vividly recalls listening to her father’s stories about the horrors of the war, while walking with him through the ruins of his native city, Groningen. She made the firm decision, even as a young girl, that she herself had to do something to make wars stop! Little did Antoinetta know that life would offer her an opportunity to contribute to the understanding of human behavior by having her grow up with a “Lack of Sense of Self,” and therefore providing her with the task of figuring out what was “missing” in her life. As an accomplished bassoonist in several professional classical orchestras in the Netherlands, Antoinetta was a disciplined performer who enjoyed the creativity and expression of her work. Motherhood resulted in two lovely daughters and the sudden onset of severe insomnia, which forced her into early retirement from her musical career early. This is where Antoinetta’s inner journey began in determining the underlying cause of the predicament that continued plaguing her for over twenty-five years: insomnia. Antoinetta started out with continuous introspection. Next she began recording her thoughts and feelings, a process that enabled her to identify patterns of behavior, and ultimately led to her Sense of Self Theory. Antoinetta’s mission is to share how a Healthy Sense of Self is a crucial asset for each individual and for the world at large (Peace)! Antoinetta lived in her homeland until 1995, when she moved with her family to Ithaca, NY. She later moved to Seattle, where she has been writing and speaking for almost a decade now. Through her company, Healthy Sense of Self®, Antoinetta offers education and techniques that restore one’s Sense of Self. “A Healthy Sense of Self is the backbone of the human psyche. Without it a person skips his/her own life altogether.”