I’m continuing to learn and work on my spiritual journey. This is a VERY IMPORTANT piece of information that I want you all to understand. When your time on Earth (in this incarnation) ends, it is truly a transition into the next step of your spiritual journey.
YOU DO NOT END. You are pure energy. Energy cannot be destroyed. It only changes form. I know that I’ve been here, in this spirit form before, but we really do choose to forget everything about where we have come from while we are in human form. I believe now is a crucial time on Earth and all of us on “the other side” are here to help you remember what your paths are and what your intentions were when you made your decision to incarnate. We want to help you remember what your blueprints consist of, so that you can continue to raise the Earths vibration along with everyone on it. This will help Earth move into the 5th Dimension reality.
LH: I know there are many accounts already of near-death experiences, but I’d like to take people through this journey and minimize their fears.
JP: Louise, I have read many books over the years. And I have read some things that just don’t resonate with me. One of those things is that Souls can get stuck somewhere after death. Can Souls get “lost” or stuck during the transition?
LH: Souls do not get lost or stuck anywhere that they don’t want to be. Please do not fear this. I’m sure you have seen shows about ghosts that “haunt” houses or property. The souls have chosen to focus their attention on an area/ home/ property. They are not being held in that house or area, but they can choose to put their energy into it and keep an attachment to it. They can focus their energy into it and send messages or let the living see them by doing this. They have moved on; they do not dwell there for all eternity. There is such a thing as imprints of energy. This happens in places like Alcatraz, battle fields and the like where there was a lot of “like” energy. Places where there was a lot of pain, or suffering, or fear. But this can also happen from places that had much joy, kindness and happiness too.
JP: Another thing I read, was that people that commit suicide go right back into another lifetime without being able to take time to understand their previous life. That they would not have a blueprint for the next life. This also does not resonate with me. Can you tell us what happens?
LH: That is fear talking. God would never send a soul back into a situation that it fears. That is an old tale that some religions use as fear tactics. Souls that commit suicide are taken back into loving arms and are healed. They can choose to experience an extended time in Hibernation and have extra council on their most recent life. There is not ever punishment or retribution for this or for anything else. The Source energy only wants the very best for all of us. We are an extension of the Source energy. This is what it means in the bible when it is said that we are the “likeness of God”. We are made up of the Energy of the one Source, the Energy of God. God does not get angry with us. God is us. We are all a part of God. God is not a human man. The God Energy is both masculine and feminine, all knowing, all understanding, and loving of all regardless of race, level of knowledge, religion, or of what actions and reactions we experience in human form. The God Energy is made up of the Consciousness of all. In such, we all are contributing by playing out scenarios to help each other. Even when someone has done something that humans regard as unthinkable, it has been done to help many understand the emotions that come with each trauma that we decide to experience. No matter what you have done or experienced in this lifetime, it was for a reason. It was for the benefit of many. For us all to understand emotions, but also for us to really grasp the wonderfulness of being spirit. Heaven is an idea that explains the state of us that does not partake in negativity. Hell describes the negativity. That is why it is said that you can make your life ‘Heaven on Earth’ or ‘Hell on Earth’. It is what you focus your attention on that creates your reality, your experiences. God is not a judgmental, punisher. God loves unconditionally.
JP: Louise, my husband would like me to ask you this: “For those of us that do not put in as much time as we would like towards spiritual progression, need we worry?”
LH: No one need worry. As I described above, we are all moving in our own due time, in our own way, at a rate that we can handle. We have many, many lifetimes for just this reason, so that we don’t have to do it all at once. Think of each lifetime as a chapter or section in your own book. I’d also like to iterate that it would not serve you well to compare yourself to anyone else’s spiritual path. We will all get where we are going, but our views may be vastly different, and that is perfectly alright.