It Shows On Your Face

Ten Simple Old Notepads Full Of Stories, Analogies, Theories, Poems, And Wisdom That Were Handed Down To Joseph To Share With The World.

by Justin McNamara

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/09/2024

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 364
ISBN : 9781982299668
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 364
ISBN : 9781982299651

About the Book

For many years Joseph had tried so hard to become successful. But what did that really mean anyway? What was the real definition of this word we call… success? Were we all destined for success if we would but try? Destiny, another word… Does it truly matter how hard we try, or has our destiny already been written in stone up in The Heavens no matter how hard we try? A chance meeting with an old man in the most unlikely of places would have Joseph going back day after day to find his answers. Where he would realise his own destiny after receiving 10 large notepads that he would turn into a book. A book that he would call, It Shows On Your Face.

About the Author

Justin McNamara lives in Toowoomba Australia. While working in the engineering business for over 4 decades he was told countless times by people from all over the world that he had a very special gift for taking a very complex issue and explaining it in a way for people to understand. He always had a passion for writing to see if he could use his (gift), and help people with some of the bigger questions they have about life. He now possesses 10 large notepads full of stores, theories, poems that he has compiled into a book. These days Justin and his wife of 42 years love to spend time with their five grown up children and taking their old dog Narla for a walk.