It’s so interesting to think about this whole human experience. I am looking at it through the lens of a movie in which I am the writer and the main character. This is how I see this whole thing happening.
I was pure spirit in the Spirit world and one day I had the thought to become physical and to have a human experience on planet Earth. There are other places to explore but planet Earth has a unique challenge. You see, Earth has gravity which makes the energy very dense and it’s easy to forget that we are Spiritual beings having a human experience. The adventure planet Earth offers is to come into the experience as pure Spirit, be born into amnesia, fall asleep and then forget who we really are. The journey is about waking up and re-membering our Oneness with the Creator and allowing our Soul Selves to express through our physical bodies.
This is the first time in human evolution that we are consciously aware, on a grand scale, that we are the ones who dictate our experiences. Our experiences reflect our inner thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. It’s as if our experiences are like a movie shown on a screen coming from the film that’s playing on the projector.
Now, how is it that our life experience, or journey, is compared to a movie? A movie has a story, a theme or title, a script, and people that play different characters of the movie. There is usually a main character, people to support the main character's role and there are filler roles that help make the scenes seem real. After all, you can’t have a restaurant scene without people in the restaurant. So, each scene must have people who have agreed to be in the movie. That’s a lot of people.
How does this relate to the human journey? The making of the movie begins with the script, and in this case - the Spirit world. At the exact moment of the thought of being in physical form, all the Spirit Beings who have this thought find themselves in the ‘Spiritual Group Room’. This is where the work begins to create the journey of the human experience, and it begins by building a story around the theme. The Universal theme for the planet Earth experience is: ‘Being the opposite of who you really are as a Spirit being’ – which is really feeling Unloved. And there are many ways to experience the theme of “Unloved”, which is determined by the beliefs that are chosen, which in turn, validates the theme.
In the group room all the Spirit beings who were ready to express themselves in physical form met to begin the journey. First, we had to get our theme. Basically, there’s only one theme; if, while in the Spirit world, we are All We Are Meant to Be – which is pure Love, then the theme in our human experience would have be The Opposite of Who We Really Are – or Unloved. We each had to decide how we would play that out.
The next task was to create ‘Beliefs’ that would support the Theme of Unloved. That was a little trickier since the theme for the human journey was Unloved, we got in small groups to brainstorm possible beliefs that would support the different ways to feel Unloved. There were many white boards around the room, and they all started filling up as Souls threw out ideas of possible beliefs. Once this was complete, we each sat in silence looking at all the possibilities that were available to us in creating our journey. After much ‘soul' searching, I picked three beliefs that I thought would cover all the bases for me to experience feeling Unloved. My choices were Unwanted, Rejected and Abandoned.
After this task was complete, we went off by ourselves to write the script for our journey. The instructions we received were that this script would be made into a movie of physical experience from the moment of conception to the return to Spirit. We were told the intention was to connect with Spirit while still in physical form because when enough of us can do that at the same time, we will be living Heaven on Earth. We were also told that the difficulty in doing this was that the vibrations on Earth are very different than in the Spirit world. We were told Soul’s often forget quickly who they are and get sucked into the dense, heavy vibration of the planet’s energy and it can take a very long time to come out of the fog and remember who we are. Sometimes that’s called being unconscious or falling asleep. We were also told that some souls don’t remember who they really are until they have passed from their physical experience through death. The intention is to remember to transcend that lower vibrational energy and bring a brighter light to the hearts of everyone on planet Earth.
Writing the script of such a journey was exciting and at the same time, heart breaking, but I knew it was all part of the commitment in making this journey into physical form. When the scripting was complete, we gathered again with our Soul group to read our scripts to each other. We all understood how important it was to support each other on our individual journeys and so we started with supporting each other as we shared the stories we had just written. Because part of the journey was forgetting who we really were, the stories were very hard to hear and for the first time, we began to feel what being separated would feel like.
The next step was to get volunteers in the group to play different character roles in our stories. That part, agreeing to play a role, is very important for the journey to take place and for the experience to seem real. We all know at the beginning we are volunteering to play a part and that it’s not who we really are, but we want to assist each other in their journey experience and some of the parts we agree to play have the illusion of being hurtful - even though we know there is no such thing because all of the experiences we have created are just stories we made up to experience our ‘Theme’, which is the illusion of being the opposite of Who We Really Are. It’s like the story of the Prodigal Son, he has everything at the beginning of his life; Love, acceptance, wealth, and he leaves all that to live his own life. In the process, he loses everything only to wonder around lost and alone and finally begins his journey back to his beginning where he was welcomed with open arms. That seems to be our journey - or at least my journey. I was pure Spirit, I had a calling to come into physical form, and in the transition from Spirit to human, I lost some of my vibration. The planet Earth is dense with the pull of gravity and the energetic influence of those around me called, “family”, that tried pulling me away from Who I Really Am and towards who I began believing myself to be. And now the story begins on Planet Earth.