Once upon a magical time by Sana Khan
Once upon a Magical Garden
Once upon a time there lived 10 magical unicorns, they each had magical powers. Some could breathe out fire, some could teleport, and some could become invisible. One sunny morning they decided to go for a walk through the secret magical garden. Only very few people new of this garden so the eldest of the 10 unicorns led the way whilst the youngest followed closely behind. They were so excited they couldn't speak except cheer with excitement. They knew of the magical garden as they were magical unicorns and only, they could l see the hazy wisps that led the way all through the the magical garden. They couldn't wait to see what they would find. They followed their elders eagerly chanting quietly 'magical garden' magical garden'. As they entered into the magical garden, they saw a palace with high standing walls and gardens with magical fountains and rainbows that trickled a sea of candy as they walked alongside it. They could see the end of the rainbow next to the magical sunrise as it peaked through the white fluffy clouds. Some of the youngest unicorns took some of the candy cheekily giggling as they hid it from their elder unicorns. They followed the golden wisps which looked like bright bubbles disappearing along their path and then reappearing again revealing several magical flying horses flying into the near distance. They carried on walking chanting 'magical garden'. As they walked along the winding pavement, they approached the magical palace with high walls and golden chambers. They couldn't believe their eyes; they were so grateful they could visit this place as the very few of the near to be extinct magical unicorns and could experience this marvellous adventure. They gazed as they walked through the magical palace with open hallways all revealing the well-lit beautifully decorated rooms each with their own character fit for a royal family, they saw the king and queens' thrones as well as the princes and princesses' chambers. They were greeted by butlers and servants and maids that served them with cups of silver filled with ice cream and candy from the magical fountains and rainbows outside. As they are the ice cream and candy, they approached the back of the palace which led to a magical serene and peaceful sight looking upon ice capped mountains in the far distance. The wisps led them to the front of the palace with its windy passageway where they ended their walk through the secret magical garden leading them all the way home. And they all lived happily ever after. The End.
Once upon a Farmhouse mansion
Once upon a time there lived 7 big ducks and 10 little chicks, they all lived in a mansion on the farm. They owned all the animals you can imagine including horses, sheep, goats, giraffes, elephants, pandas, cows, monkeys and they even had an indoor aquarium with all the different types of sea creatures including sharks, tiny finish, sea horses, clown fish, rainbow fish, dolphins, whales and turtles and tortoises. Every morning the 7 big ducks would wake up at 5am to feed the animals and groom them. For entertainment they would ride the horses through the farmland with their 10 little chicks and they would comb the hair of the horses and once they had a lot of fun playing with all the animals the ducks and chicks would go swimming in the indoor swimming pool, and go in the sauna and do facials, massages after sunbathing on the roof of the farmhouse mansion. They would even take time off by going on holidays in their private jet they travelled all around the world discovering new languages and places to eat. They would come home and tell their stories to all their farm animals and their sea creatures, and they lived happily ever after. The End.
Once upon a covid chameleon
Once upon a time there lived a family of chameleon. The family included a baby Sam and his older 9-year-old brother George and their mum and dad. They loved going to school and learning all the new things they would do after school activities link swimming and piano and guitar lessons, they even learned French and Spanish and looked forward to earning medals and prizes they had a whole shelf in their hallway designated to winning awards. However, one day the older brother George wasn't feeling well, and he told his dad he checked his temperature and did a covid test and found out he had covid his dad told him he had to take a few days off school and after school activities due to the covid but would get better soon. He felt better after a few days but defiantly enjoyed getting back to school to learn all the new things and catching up with his friends to win prizes for their upcoming competition at school for swimming. He returned to school as normal and loved eagerly swam laps around the swimming pool he could faintly hear his parents cheering in the background. He knew he had to win this not only for himself but for his any brother he wanted to be a good role model for him and set an example. Of course, he won and even got a medal for coming first in the race against his teammates. He also came first in French, Spanish and in guitar lessons he wasn't going to allow something like covid stop him from achieving his dreams to becoming an Olympic swimmer. His baby brother ailed and laughed with excitement along with his parents, friends, coaches and schoolteachers and they all lived happily ever after. The End.
Once upon a winter wonderland
Once upon a time there lived a family with a twin boy and girl named Emily and Chris and they were finally on their Christmas holidays from school and they overheard their parents and aunt and uncle talking in the kitchen about a winter wonderland retreat in Switzerland.