The idea for a homeopathic book on Vaccinosis grew out of my annual lecture at the Autism One Conference. Each year I presented a remedy that had a significant impact on children’s development and health. In 2007, my topic was Thuja occidentalis, “The Tree of Life.”
Several homeopaths approached me afterward saying they had never heard of the remedy or were unfamiliar with its use. I was indeed surprised as Thuja is considered a polycrest, a drug that serves as a remedy for many diseases and is essential when there is a history of vaccinosis.
Shortly after the conference, seeing the need to fill in the gap that existed, I wrote a 150-page treatise on Thuja occidentalis. I also continued to explore and document my clinical findings and observations regarding the use of various remedies on the children I treated in my practice.
The Pocket Guide: Homeopathic First Aid for Vaccinosis is a guide with 12 selected remedies and Comparative Materia Medica. The guide, designed for use as an easy reference and desk-side companion, contains the foremost remedies for the patient who suffers from side effects or presents with a history of vaccinosis.
Keynotes and Case Studies
This handbook is unique. Though a brief treatise, its pages pull together historical, practical, and contemporary evidence-based clinical experience to help you learn and effectively treat patients who suffer from the bad effect of vaccination as the result of the widespread and recent worldwide pandemic. The information offered here is based on my own case studies and clinical experience. I have relied on Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar’s knowledge and wisdom as well, and most importantly, on the literature of the Grand Masters.
The beginning of each chapter provides at-a-glance overview of symptoms and characteristics that relate to the selected remedy. These Keynotes from the masters list mental and physical symptoms, ameliorations, and aggravations. Study and familiarity with these keynotes is the foundation of successful treatments.
Many of the case studies, altered for privacy, are taken from my personal practice, where I have treated many children on the autism spectrum. Other cases are taken from a patient’s history when working with Dr. Sarkar in West Bengal, India. Working with Dr. Sarkar for over 20 years, a master of homeopathy and Materia Medica, has given me confidence and the opportunity to see and treat many unusual cases that would not be possible to witness in Canada or the USA.
The Grand Masters
The legacy of the Grand Masters of homeopathy is a gift to humanity and a responsibility I take seriously to make available to both the new and experienced generation of homeopaths. Their research and provings are invaluable. If we neglect their study, we are at risk of losing this precious legacy.
The experience and provings from the Grand Masters of homeopathy will assist you in understanding the remedy and applying it in a clinical case or setting. As a Naturopathic doctor, I have centered my work by reading and analyzing books left by the Grand Masters such as Dr. E. B Nash, Dr. J.C. Burnett, Dr. H.C Allen, Dr. M.L. Tyler, Dr. W. Boericke, Dr. P. Sankaran, Dr. M. Blackie, Dr. D. Borland, Dr. J. Clarke, Dr. Boger, Dr. C. Hering, Dr. C. von Boenninghausen, and Dr. N.M. Choudhuri.
The Grand Masters of homeopathy have guided my work, both as a writer and medical practice doctor. I would be lost without the Grand Masters of Homeopathy. Although their information can be complicated to understand, they have become my friends, and life without their comments would be dull indeed. I am particularly fond of Dr. E.B. Nash’s writing. He has been an important influence on my writing.
Comparative Media Medica
Comparison between remedies is essential to make a proper treatment plan. With the clinical tips from this pocket guide, the homeopath will acquire a sound scientific approach to homeopathy prescription. For the sake of the patient, the practitioner of homeopathy must continuously think about Comparative Materia Medica, a key component of any diagnostic and treatment process.
Throughout this book, you’ll find many tributes and stories about my time with Dr. Sarkar. The value of the lessons he imparted to me cannot be exaggerated. Working alongside him year after year in a village on the outskirts of Kolkata has broadened my skill set as a physician. Seeing an unbelievable number of patients daily in his clinic introduced me to tropical diseases and sequela of diseases such as smallpox that cannot be seen in California. Using modern diagnostic tools such as blood tests, MRI, X-rays, and ultrasounds to diagnose and follow up demonstrates how solid and reliable homeopathy treatments are.
I still remember the day that Dr. Sarkar gave me a copy of his private notebook filled with clinical gems and pearls. He then stated with a solemn face, “I have written my own Materia Medica, now you must write yours!”
My wish for you, dear readers, is that you will make use of this information and pass on the wisdom of homeopathy to the next generation.
Dr. Denise Tarasuk, ND