Remembering Who I am

by Mabel Campbell

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/08/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781982282059

About the Book

We are more than our bodies, our careers, and the identities we have taken from birth.

We are souls having a human experience.   We live in a world where our focus is outward- towards wealth, status, and relying on others for our happiness.

We strive to have it all.  Yet often we remain unfulfilled and unhappy.

Fulfilment requires an answer to three questions.  "Who am I?", "Why am I here?" and "What is my purpose?."  We are on this planet for a reason. 

We invest time and money into our health, our livelihood and our relationships and in doing so we may neglect the part of ourselves that may have the answers and understanding of ourselves: our soul.

The soul is our most untapped resource, our connection to this part of our being is the gateway to discovering who we are and why we are here and what we’re meant to do in this life.

Going inward gives us the space we need to connect to our soul. This book gives a personal journey of the authors experience of how and what she used to connect deeply and heal herself bringing in clarity, joy, inner peace and freedom.  Remembering who she is has given her the space to co-create a life she loves and to embrace her creativity in writing and publishing this book. The author provides you with an invitation to embark on your own personal journey and to remembering who you are.  And if you choose to do so, it will provide the author a humbling experience of being of service to others and the universe.

About the Author

Mabel is very passionate about her own personal development and healing and that of others.

Life experiences have sought her to seek out and embark on her healing journey. She has immersed herself into various approaches of personal and spiritual growth, to include studying and finding various approaches that help assist and promote healing and the finding of inner peace.

Mabel values fairness, reliability, family, balance and the caring of others. She aspires to build relationships within the community in which she lives and works, to communicate with an open mind, to share her life experiences which in turn will help people on their path of personal growth and achievement.