A Woman's path to Love, Power & Sensual Enlightenment

by Vanya Silverten

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/03/2020

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 234
ISBN : 9781982243524
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 234
ISBN : 9781982243500

About the Book

This is a woman’s book of sensual enlightenment - a sacred revolution that returns her body, heart, sexuality and power back to love.

Women are incredible creatures and the female body is exquisite in design. Naturally intuitive, highly sensual and magical, with a great ability to create abundance and heal life. This makes every woman’s body a portal to enlightenment. No longer can you live in loneliness, insecurity, self-doubt, shame or the fear of not ‘being enough.’ No longer can you hide or deny your unique aliveness.

Sacred Revolution is a transformational guide. It teaches
each woman to be unshakable with love so she can master her life. This journey begins once you claim your sexual energy as a sacred life force - vital for the dynamic experience of love. Only then can the revolution begin.
You will learn:

• The six principles of sensual enlightenment.
• The thirteen virtues of love that can heal, transform and revolutionize your life.
• How to channel your sexual energy to be a sacred fuel of empowerment and attraction.
• Movement exercises that awaken your orgasmic potential to create heightened states
of love.
• The ultimate anti -ageing and beauty secrets every woman needs to know.
• The 20+ different soul mate experiences you can have.
• The consent options that empower your intimate connections and master love in
• The heartbreak remedy that ensures your sovereignty and motivates you to up level
your standards.
• The superpowers of an evolved woman.

Sacred Revolution is a rite of passage for all women who are ready to feel whole, complete and powerful. It is for every woman in all phases of life - maiden, mother, priestess, queen, diva, yogini and goddess. As you take this journey, every aspect of your female identity will be awakened. This book is the missing piece on your female spiritual path.

About the Author

Vanya Silverten works internationally as an intuitive energy healer and teacher. With clients and students from over 50 countries, she has a passion to help individuals transform all aspects of their lives. Vanya believes healing is an art, and she has refined her gifted intuition through the experience of treating, reading and teaching 10,000+ people. In 2015, Vanya became a mother to a beautiful daughter. This life changing experience deepened her appreciation of the female body and its potential to reach heighten states of sensual enlightenment. For more details please visit: