Untangling Life after Loss

A Griever's Guide to Creating a Self-Care Plan


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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/09/2024

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9798765248348
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9798765248324

About the Book

After the death of a loved one, grievers are often left alone without guidance or reassurance—and sometimes love. Post-loss care requires more strength, resilience, and clarity than grievers may expect, and they must learn how to put themselves first. Although remaking life after loss is a challenging prospect, it can also be an amazing process filled with personal growth. In a comprehensive guide designed to support the grief experience, Alexandra Carroll interweaves details of her grief journey after the unexpected death of her mother with time-tested wisdom. This combination helps grievers create a personal self-care plan that is essential to beginning and maintaining the healing process during the uncertain transition to post-loss life. Carroll offers suggestions for how grievers might slow down, get to know themselves again, select the right coping mechanisms, befriend and grow with grief, handle negative emotions, and navigate a public health emergency while grieving. Through her gentle guidance, grievers are encouraged to develop a personal healing path, regain life balance, and ultimately thrive. Untangling Life after Loss: A Griever’s Guide to Creating a Self-Care Plan helps grievers reconnect with themselves to build a durable self-care plan and better adjust to the new normal of their post-loss life.

About the Author

Alexandra N. Carroll holds a PhD in theology and religious studies from the Catholic University of America and a master of arts in religion from the Yale Divinity School. She has taught courses in peace studies and social justice, Christian history, Buddhism, and world religions. Dr. Carroll lives with her husband and daughter. For more, visit www.ancarroll.com.