Fear and Secret. Two words, which are married to each other. Even though we don’t talk about these words openly, they are in a realationship. Let’s take a closer look and see what does the word fear mean? The fear, this book refers to, is a feeling. A fear shows up in anxiety, restlessness, an unrealistic feeling. Fears blocks and limit our lives, our happiness, our relationships and our development on any level. Fears are holding us back to live a complete and fulfilled life. These fears are negative and destructive. There is another feeling, which can be called fear. This is an inner warning. This is positive for our life. This feeling comes from our intuition. This is a sign to pay attention to something for our own good. The difference betweent the two feelings are, that the first is based on something irreal, which doesn’t exist. Therefor, it casues anxiety and restlessness. The other feeling of “fear”is an intuition a real warning sign. This is based on something rational, a real circumstance. If one pays attention to the warning intuitions, one can avoid mishaps and grow. If we act upon these intuitive signs, we prevent unneccesary things to happen. If we don't act upon them, we create resentment, hatred anger, and more stress. When we don’t act upon our intuition because we don't trust ourselves and we are afraid from inner intuition. We don't beleive that we deserve to have such an inbuilt signaling system. How do the word secret, gets married to the word Fear? They get married in a way that our deepest fears are hiding in secret. It is tabu to talk about our fears. In order to keep our fears locked up we apply many different behaviors as protective masks. If we can keep our fears in secret, our ego made an incredible victory on us to keep us in fright-mode. However, if there is anyone who can talk about their fears openly, they are not afraid of those they can talk about, but something else. This something else, is hiding in deep secret as well. As I said, fears can cover up themselves. They can keep multiple of locks on each other. The first part of this book works with the past. The past part of the book contains tools to identify your fears then transform and resolv them. Fears are complex, have many different shapes and forms to make sure they control our lives. This part of the books gives a gentle hand to guide you through the process of face your fears and unlock the knowledge hidden in them. Let us discover: -why our fears are so secretive, -why does it feel seemingly impossible task to face them and unlock them. Millions of people could do this trasnformations work, face their fears and reach the secret gift locked up in them. This is how they were capable to change their lives. They unlocked the locks on their fears. They transformed fears into positive life instructions, which they put into practice to reach a new happy life. The second part of this book is The Future. This part contains planning tools to set up new achievable goals. This section helps to learn building the near and the far future as your entire lifespan. You will be able to plan step by step. You wil learn to take life at bite size pieces on this road. This part of the book contains a very powerful examination tool of your value system and your beleives, to help you identify very deep-seated blocks, holding you back from reaching your potentials. This evaluation brings more fears to the surface, which need to be transformed. Once all your blocks are transformed, you become unstoppable! The second part of the Live your Life Alive program is The Now. Due to its volume comes in a separate book. The Now contains tools and practical information to live our life in high quality health. This book contatains exercise, nutrition and nutritional supplements so as hydration and meditation practices. Live Your Life Alive sets the foundation of total health, based on a new plane, which is happiness, and deep inner peace. The reader can learn step by step through the book which stacks the knowledge information on the top of other. This is how we walk step by step and cover all aspects of health, from mind, soul and body. Each chapter gives understanding and experience. Even if you read it from the beginning or pick any chapter randomly. Doesn't matter where you open the book, you will find a personalized message for yourself. Open the locks on your secrets, to expose your fears. Treat your fears with love and break through them. Transform your fears to love, kindness, happiness, health, abundance and success forever! The Past I. Realizing the “Creator Within” There are many different cultures and conditionings. Therefore the title phrase can be understood in many different ways. I am wondering, what would,“The Creator within”- mean to you? Webster’s sais the following about the meaning of the word, to create: I can’t see into your head. I can only hear and feel the energies from some of you when I say the “Creator” word. Now, the only thing I can do, is to show you and explain what the word means to me. I like to also share with why I gave “The Creator Within”- title to one of my signature sessions. First, I like to make it clear as a bell, what I don’t mean about the word “Creator”. I m not talking about “creation” in a sense of our existence. Nor am I talking about the “Creator” as God, who gave the circumstance for our parents to meet then let us be conceived. The creation I m talking about here is, how: • we create our life circumstances • we create our feelings and emotions, how we feel • we create our thoughts and what we are thinking about • we create our words in our communication, • we create our actions, reactions, behaviors and addictions. It is also possible that my words are pressing different buttons on you. You may feel upset or feel a dislike or feel a slight opposition. If you feel any of these and feel upset, it’s completely normal. I still ask you, please stay with me and read on. Being upset is a reaction to something you experienced. In this case you read something here, and the meaning of my words were upsetting to you or made you upset. It is not the book or the words, but their meaning to you was upsetting. Based on the chosen meaning, you chose to get upset. Consiously or unconsiosly, you created the feeling, hence became upset. Similarly, to the upset feeling, we create a whole nine yards of negative feelings and misery. Surprising, Isnt it? Please read on as we uncover the creation you will understand the whole process. How is it possible to create our own misery? • How is it possible that something can make us upset? • Can anyone or anything possibly make us upset? • Or are we making ourselves upset? • Are we crazy to give power to anything and anyone to upset us? • How is it possible that something what happens outside of us can cause such emotional creation in us, which we don’t even know about? How is it possible that you only realize your upset feeling only when you are already in pain and misery from being upset? Very good questions, aren’t they? Have you though of it, why we don't see misery happening to us? We don’t see it, because our conditioned automatic behavior patterns are running in us. These automatic behaviors makes us blind to see. These automatic behavior makes us deaf to hear and insensitive to feel. Where did we lose our sensations?