The Thirteenth Disciple

The Story of Jesus Seen Through the Eyes of His Brother Thomas

by Edmund Wigram

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/05/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 352
ISBN : 9781982227180
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 352
ISBN : 9781982227203

About the Book

This book tells us, in exquisite detail, about the amazing times when Jesus was teaching and healing in the Holy Land and about his shocking crucifixion, with tantalizing glimpses of what may have followed. This is not fiction; it is a real story that has never been told like this before. Jesus’s adopted young brother, Thomas, recounts the events of those days, including many of the actual words of Jesus. He helps us understand the enthusiasm and excitement that Jesus brought to the people then. His words are as relevant today as they were then. He understood the purpose of life, why we are here, where we are going, and what we should be doing to get there.

About the Author

After some thirty years working in Industry, the author has lived as a healer and teacher for twenty-five years, helping people to open to their hearts, and to know that love is the basis for life. For the first sixteen years he taught hundreds of people in the north east of England about their healing gift. Then his soul sent him to the Holy Land, and to Auschwitz and other camps, and to many countries in Europe, and to Canada and New Mexico. For four years he left his comfortable life behind and gave everything to teaching healing and love. He learned to trust the whispers of his soul, which guided him well, and eventually brought him to Galloway in Scotland to write. The words for this story were first spoken into the author’s inner being by Jesus himself in a visionary experience beside the Sea of Galilee. Five years later this book came to be written, it happened over many months through daily meditations with detailed visions enabling him to personally experience each day’s story, and then write it.