Our Dark Places

by Clara Hillman

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/09/2018

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781982211424
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 242
ISBN : 9781982211400

About the Book

In life, have we ever been catapulted to a comfortable stratosphere? And suddenly, one day, we can’t believe we’ve been dropped in the middle of nowhere. That is what happened in the complex lives of the two main characters, Pastor David Wyan and his wife, Debora Wyan. The unimaginable lurked around every corner, waiting to trip them up and totally destroy them. Incredible demands were forced in their lives. How did they manage to stay sane in their little Christian community? Buried beneath these pages, there is an army of hidden, dark secrets. Some of them leave our thoughts and imaginations at the edge of steep, rocky cliffs. And other secrets drive us to a place of stolen identity. Nevertheless, whenever we love something, we fight incredibly hard to take back our control and what is rightfully ours. This story is provocative, alluring, riveting, heart-wrenching, and enthralling.

About the Author

Clara Hillman was born to sharecroppers in Summerville, South Carolina. They had eighteen children, but four of them passed away. As a small child, she spent many grueling years in those large cotton & tobacco fields on their farm. She also failed the first year in the First Grade. However, those bad experiences fueled her passion to become a great writer. Along her journey, she wrote and published three outstanding newsletters. She wrote and mailed out over 1400 newsletters to nonprofit organizations, City offices, neighborhood associations and Community Development Corporations (CDCs) She also produced, edited and distributed a newsletter for another small community outreach center. She shared her expertise and produced a newsletter for a Baptist church district. Clara is an Evangelist and ex-pastor’s wife. She has six talented children. And, out of eighteen siblings born to the same parents, her ninety-four-year-old mother is still alive and has fourteen successful children. Almost five years ago while she lived in Kentucky, she heard a clear and precise voice from God. It told her to leave that place because HE had a great assignment for her. She moved with haste, and went to South Carolina to take care her mother who suffers with Alzheimer’s Disease. You can reach her at 803-464-4476, and her email is: v.jr76462613@sbcglobal.net