From spirit to Earth, this book is inspired to help empower adults and children to see the positive outcome of connecting through the power of hope, believing, and trusting in our our childrens experiences. More specifically, this book speaks to creating a HOPE tribe of believers, so that our children can live soul-actualized lives in a way that is productive and meaningful within our current social constructs. Robert Holden said, “If you are alive you need help”. Too often we stay isolated, disconnected, and alone, especially in parenting. The HOPE Tribe is not just a book, it is a “living idea”. Our thoughts are powerful tools in our life, and all too often we ignore them, alter them to meet societal views, and change them to a more negative story out of fear, which prevents us from living from our soul and our best life. Living a soul-actualized life is one that is lived based on daily soul expression, living your unique life purpose and path, and being true to who you are at a soul level. A convicted soul-actualized person realizes their strengths, their limitations, their purpose, and how to interact in a world that makes a difference without selling out to false beliefs. My greatest inspiration for this book is a collision of past and present, a glance back in time at my childhood and seeing my children now for who they truly are... ...I was not only ready to live my best life but my greatest hope, wish, was that my children would do the same. In order for children to do this, really learn to live a soul-actualized life they need a tribe of believers, supporters, champions for their individual talents, skills, and abilities, and people who will help them navigate a world that focuses more on material things rather than spiritual things. ... ...All too often our world tries to treat children as extensions of their parents, or change them into who the world thinks they need to be. As my children would say, “little minions”. Children can be left feeling like they are here to do someone else’s work and not their own. The meaning of ‘work’ here is their soul’s purpose, their life calling, their imprint on this world, their legacy, and what they have to offer. ... ...The HOPE tribe wants to dispel these illusions, and move from an ego focused mindset to a more open, holistic, love inspired, and soul engaged one. Peace on Earth, while it sounds difficult to achieve, the children of tomorrow are the next holders of this idea. They must be the ones who live out their inspiration in a way that touches the masses and speaks to the interconnectedness of all. The HOPE tribe then is about putting hope into action. To live hope is to Honor Open Perceptive and Empathic children in a way that values them for who they are, promotes their growth, gives meaning to their experiences, and allows them to live out soulful and meaningful work. ...