Who’s Hungry? Reciprocity

I Desire to Share My Privileges Because Someone Great Shared with Me

by Elisha C. Marks

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/03/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781982200305
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781982200329

About the Book

Elisha Marks is a prophet who is passionate about guiding those who are hungry for true salvation and real love to look within for the answers. For it is deep inside our souls where the truth and happiness lies. In her spiritual guidebook, Marks shares wisdom and teachings on how to transform our lives through self-examination, abandon bad habits that take hold of our souls and make us unhappy, embrace positive attitudes, and develop a strong spiritual life. By drawing on her experiences and life lessons, Marks offers a clear road map that leads others through prayer, meditations, reminders, and transformation of thought patterns that release starving souls from the darkness of despair and ultimately open the door to attaining success in all areas of life. Who’s Hungry? Reciprocity shares personal stories and wisdom from a spiritual seeker who is passionate about leading hungry souls to find inner-peace, a strong faith, self-love, and a life purpose.

About the Author

Elisha C. Marks is a prophet who has been given a fresh start in life. Through a new and deep understanding of God’s unconditional love, he is now journeying down a different and much more gratifying path. Marks resides in Schaumburg, Illinois. Who’s Hungry? Reciprocity is his first book.