The understanding of how we can change energy, became clearer as I set this model up
It was to be another year, before I learnt how to focus the heart felt energy, coupled with the thought, to connect to the unified field, divine light energy, to change the negative thoughts, that were running rampant through the mind and body making it feel bad.
We still have to have these negativity’s, it is part of our being, but now I have a coping mechanism to help me through, this model gave me the understanding of how it could work.
Over the time, since I first set this up I have updated it three times, to bring it in line with my understanding about the energy changes, and I have changed things in my life a lot.
Insights through Meditation to open our heart and change:
Our spiritual and physical existence is completely entwined, we are not separate, we are given beliefs from birth and beyond that are fed by fear, due to the conditioning of our ancestors and it’s continually happening now.
Our negative thoughts, create tension in the body, this process is almost mechanical, because it acts and follows the nature of chemical changes, plus what our mind believes, it shows us that as a human on earth, we are only acting on impulses and electric mechanism’s within our physical make up, a lot of the time.
Our Higher Self: we are ‘ALL” energy, the physical part vibrates on a denser frequency, than the higher self, that is our conscious self, it will guide us in life, if we understand, that the reality, of our physical world is not the truth of our higher self.
Trek 3:
Going Within and find out that Mindful Focus Works:
I did meditations going into the measurable energy, called the plank measurement, it’s made up of non-physical shimmering, string like energy wavelets, this is where I can consciously put my thoughts into how I want my life, using mindful focus, imagination and creating in detail, what I want in my new life, then keep remembering the new rules and see how life will change and I will be able to exist in a more contented way
Remind Me Again About The Way We Are: And Questions.
My physical body is created by my soul, the true being that ‘I am’; it is a holographic, interactive, emotional and feeling body.
It’s not a ‘thing’, on the other side or outside of anything; I am a totally integrated being both physical and spiritual.
This gives my soul/self all, the experiences and feelings that it needs to evolve.
The way to do this, is when you are going to do something, do it with grace, heart and soul consciousness, then mindfully focus on the outcome, using your imagination, to go through the actions that you are planning.
Think of how it will work out, using the best possible ways that it could work.
The brain function changes when we go quiet in our our minds.
Change my belief and don’t be fearful:
Changing the way you are, starts with knowing how you live your live and why.
Then decide, if you want to follow the set of rules and stay in a life, that’s directed by the media, where you are following like sheep, unaware that you have a loud inner voice and if you stand still and be quiet long enough to hear it and become the conscious person that you are.
Once you have taken this step, look at your set life pattern to understand your fears, learn how they became so big, that you can’t move out of them for fear of …what!
The Ego Backs Our Fears
In his book, the ‘Divine Matrix’ Gregg Braden gives an explanation of our fears. Carl Jung also, had his idea on it; the ego is the energy that drives our fears by what we are told in this world.
The psychological route can be taken on this matter or the physical route, where-by you tell yourselves that you do not want it anymore, and work towards changing, these aspects of your life.
The negative emotions and thoughts that rise in our body, are always connected to fears, there are only three fears. Low self-esteem, Abandonment, and Miss trust.
All other fears, stem from these, coupled them, with an inflated ego, they become responsible for all of our dis-comforts, they all need to be acknowledged and given the energy of love.
“Love myself, all of me, accept every aspect of my personality with love”.
If there’s a part you do not like, change it, by constantly remembering to change that thought.
Energy prevails on our earth from the air, sun, plants, trees, water and food, all you need to do is walk in the air, with conscious thought of receiving the chi energy.
Chi is everywhere, in everywhere; you cannot live without it, consciously think and focus your love on receiving it, be conscious of this fact and use it.
Becoming conscious of our inner self, starts with asking ourselves question, like what I do automatically in my life in repetitive patterns, where do they come from, do I feel right about an action or has it made me feel uneasy, am I acting in my best interest?
It’s not selfish to do this, because if I am not acting in my own truth, then I am not functioning to my best ability.
New Paradigm:
The new paradigm is that everything is real, not just the thing’s we can see; our thoughts, imagination, feelings, emotions, dreams, spirit, creator, virtual domain all of it is real.
Our physical bodies function, on a very narrow band, of the frequency scale, physically we can’t see anything, that moves out of that band but we can sense all the energy, because we are connected.
Everything we see in our physical life is a display of energy and information, we are in this energy soup, as small chunks of energy information, all bumping into each other and as we are all part of it, we do, respond to this interaction in some ways.
We can feel, it when we walk into a room where there’s tension or in a church, where we can feel the gentle peace.
Because we are all bumping into each other, we are passing information, between us in the same way that atoms with membranes, passes information by touching each other.
Quantum physics is showing the deep center of our physical world, is completely non-physical. It can be called information, probability, wave, consciousness or spirit.
‘If atoms are the real stuff, that forms a rock and its real, then this underlying field of intelligence is real as well.’
I guess you might wonder how, this can help us change our physical world.
There are many methods set up to help you do it; it’s the practice of mindfulness, focused concentration and lots of imagination to start expanding your vision on these matters, imagination is real and it can be used along with thoughts to start to open up our understanding.
Its not hard to do, its giving yourself the time to sit quietly, within yourself, for 10 minutes a day.
World of Reality:
Understanding these energy fields, might lead you to look deep within yourself, to find the true being that you are, who will give you insights, that will lead you to wanting to do more sitting quietly, consciously breathing and going into the quiet space within, connecting to your physical body, knowing it is a housing, that functions, so that your spirit/soul can be on the earth plane, learn to feel your body, then to feel your spirit/soul, by mindful focus.
You might start to see that your thoughts and emotions are not serving you; maybe you need to let them go, change them, change your reality of them, and replace them, with new positive ones, change the hard wiring in you brain and change your reality.
When doing the focused concentration, the frontal lobs of the brain light up, it is a skill that needs to be learned.
Having a bit of understanding about our world, and how we work on the deeper level of life, like the quantum and virtual energies does seem to help.