Our life path is something that we and our spirit guides create together before we are born so that we have someone guiding us from the other side. They know all the things that we hope to accomplish throughout our lifetime. Our life path is like our chart. It is the curriculum for when we come down to Earth. It will include all of the things that we would like to experience while we are on our journey here on Earth. When we are young children, we do a splendid job of starting our journey off on the right foot, usually. Our spiritual body and our physical body are very much in harmony and balance, so we are in tune with our spirit guides as well as universal laws. These allow us to work very well with the ebb and flow of the universe. The rules are basic and very simple: we are to follow the happiness in our heart. The heart center is where we can feel ourselves being guided by our spirit guides. It is here that we can also feel when we are accessing our Soul DNA information. As a baby, since we still have a strong spiritual connection and memory of the Other Side, it is natural for us to plug into our Soul DNA and access its information. Naturally we are guided by happiness if we had a pleasant womb experience. If we take a moment and think back to when we were a child, we can usually remember that when we were growing up, we only did the things that we loved to do. It was usually something simple that brought us joy such as making mud pies, singing or playing dress up. It is the time in our life when we were blissful doing the things that we liked to do, and when we no longer enjoyed what we were doing, we just stopped and did something else. As a child, we often base all of our decisions on what makes us happy and safe in the heart center. If we watch little children, we can see how happy and carefree they usually are. It is not just because they do not have anything to worry. On the contrary, some children have many things on their mind, but they are coming from a different place. They plug into their Soul DNA, so they naturally make decisions from their heart center. They have a natural trust in the Universe that everything will always work out. Children do things that make them happy. If these children were to follow their heart center throughout their entire life, they would continue to develop the gifts and talents that have given as part of their Soul DNA. Ironically, most of the time the things that we loved to do when we were a child have something to do with what our gifts and talents are when we become an adult. When we follow our heart and what we enjoy doing, we are very much in harmony with our Soul DNA and our life path. In other words, one of the reasons that we enjoy doing certain things is because they are already a part of our Soul DNA. They are a part of who we are. Otherwise, we would not enjoy doing them (Ref. 5).
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DOUG: I am going to read this passage from the Book of Hebrews. "All these died in faith and received not the promises, but saw them afar off and believed them and received them thankfully and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the Earth. For they that they say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. And if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they had leisure to have returned. But now they desire a better that is heavenly. Therefore, God is not sent to them to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a city." Now that means that a soul can pick where he wants to go to when it comes back to reincarnate another body?
JOHN: Well, yes, that does happen. You sit with a conference committee; you might say, your guides and angels. So they help you to direct where and when and how the necessary experiences you need to transform your energy and how those best will suit your needs of where you need to be for those experiences to happen. So you do select what nationality. Many of you do not understand how you - you've had thousands of lives. We have been in different countries. You've all played different roles in professions or lack of occupations, talents, and abilities or ways of handling your affairs in Godly ways or less than that. So you go through every vibration to change your energy back into the higher consciousness of love; the higher loving energy is a high vibration. So as you raise that consciousness, you are going to be in whatever place that's necessary for that experience to give you the best opportunity for that.
DOUG: Through evolution?
JOHN: Have reached the highest evolution. There are other civilizations, you understand, that are much more advanced than Earth and they are working with harmony and unity and cooperation. They do not need jails and punishment like we have on the planet Earth. It is a barbaric planet you might say.
DOUG: After the death of this life where would that soul go? To the other side?
JOHN: Where there are levels and levels of more learning spiritually when we are through with planet Earth. We do not just go one way and stay in one place for the rest of our lives. We are eternal, evolving, spiritual beings exploring spirit in all shapes, forms, and ways. So our learning never ends; it is continual, and it will just be in a different form than the human form.
DOUG: So do we have spiritual helpers like guardian angels because we are in the dark?
JOHN: As Marilyn said we were born in the manger that is the lowest form of consciousness, and you are coming into the Light, you are putting your plant out into sunshine. You are coming into awareness, and you are moving into that higher consciousness.
DOUG: So that is why we have a guardian angel is because guardian angel can hear spiritual messages so they help us grow until we can hear those messages ourselves.
JOHN: Yes that is a wonderful way to put it. Are you familiar with the 23 Psalms? Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil; for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. So when you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death is Earth. So if you know that spirit, that rod is within and God is your heavenly father the staff he is the Sheppard then you will not have to fear walking through that predominately difficult time. You have God's spirit with you through the whole thing; there is nothing to fear because he is there.