Will You Come To Bed With Me?

Creating mindful moments with your family.

by Victoria Yuen

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/09/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781452530826

About the Book

You know you need to relax, but you don’t know how.

You’ve been told that you need to get more sleep, but where do you find the time?

You can see that your children are following your footsteps and becoming anxious and stressed, but you don’t know who to turn to and how to help them.

This snowball’s in your house, everyone’s getting on everyone’s nerves and getting louder, more stressed, and it’s out of control.

This book is for you, my friend. Hundreds of people have asked me to “Come to bed with me,” because I help them relax, and I can help you and your children.

I met Victoria Yuen many years ago when we were both at a women’s well being day. She is a yoga teacher and a passionate advocate for calmness like myself. In her uniquely light hearted, sometimes cheeky way she has written a delightful book to help tame the stressed out grown ups who struggle in our chaotic world.

Her techniques have helped lots of people - and children - get more sleep and live healthier lives. “Will you Come to Bed with Me?” is a rare gem.

-Maggie Dent Author, Parenting & Resilience Educator.

About the Author

Victoria was a stressed-out schoolteacher and Mum to two babes, doing the best she could and running herself ragged doing it. After a lifetime of stress-related illnesses and being told by the specialist that she had had too many stomach operations and would have to spend much of her time on morphine for the rest of her life, she decided to make a change.