Your Human Trinity
You are from the divine. As a human trinity, you are a finely tuned instrument with a degree of sensitivity to the energy from people, your physical environment and the universe. Your human form is comprised of your soul, spirit body and physical body. These three separate and distinct parts of your energy being integrates through your sona, which is the energy chakra that houses your soul throughout your physical lifetime. I call this three-in-one a “human trinity”. This is not as farfetched as it may initially seem. Ancient teachings tell us how the universe created our being in the image of the divine one, which is a three-in-one.
The life-source of your human trinity is your soul. Your soul begins as a divine spark of energy that traverses time and space before entering your human form causing your heart to beat for the first time. The moment your sona holds your soul and joins it to your physical and spirit body is the moment when your human trinity comes to life. However, it will be many more months of growth and development before it has the ability to survive outside of the womb. When you are born, your physical and spirit creates the individual that is you. However, your growth does not stop as an infant. As you grow and develop, so does both your physical and spirit bodies until you have grown into the person you are today. Your life experiences will morph and change you as you learn lessons, and experience life. Through your human trinity, you have been given the divine ability to process the events and make decisions on what you will do in your tomorrows.
Ancient Knowledge
Although in modern times, people do not typically think of themselves as human trinities, it is not really a new concept. There are also references to this found in the ancient texts and scriptures. The fact that we are human trinities, where we have a soul, spirit body and physical body is part of a body of ancient wisdom that has been around since the beginning of time. Some cultures have passed down this divine knowledge, while in others, the knowledge died as the elders of the tribes or civilizations passed away. References to the phenomenon of human trinities found in the ancient teachings of Greek, Egyptian, Indian and Mayan cultures. There are also vague references to this phenomenon in other ancient texts, writing, or teachings.
Ancient Egyptian culture was one of the ancient civilizations that documented this phenomenon. To my knowledge, they never used the term “human trinity” to define it. Just as the angels taught me, they believed that there were three aspects of our being. One aspect was the “ka” which brought your personality to your human form. Its function was to manifest the essence of your soul, magnify it and infuse it within your physical form. They believed that the “ka”, remained with the physical body after the death of a person. They believed that the “ba”, was the divine spark of life that is your essence. When your human trinity disassembles, your “ba” travels back to the universe. Their belief was that the physical body was just the vessel that houses both the “ba” and “ka”. They believed that when the “ba” returned, that the physical body would reanimate and breathe life back into the “ka” and the physical body. In essence, once the physical body reanimates, the person ‘rises from the dead’ and uses their physical body to travel back to the gods. They wanted to preserve the body and “ka” to make sure it was ready and available for reanimation when the “ba” returned. In turn, they would mummify their leaders and rulers. What you may not be aware of is that this mummification process was not unique to Egypt. In other areas of the world, they also mummified important people to await the reactivation of the physical body to resurrect it from the dead.
There are other ancient cultures that speak of a soul or an essence that resurrects, whether it is of the physical body or through reincarnation of the soul into new bodies. They believed that after death the physical body reawakens at a future date. Depending upon the lore of the culture, what happens next differs. In some cultures, they explicitly stated and believed that there was a facet of multi-dimensionality to our human existence. Some ancient cultures believed that there were three components to a person. These were the greater soul, the lesser soul and a physical body. In still other cultures, they believed that there was a facet of multi-dimensionality to our human existence. For those cultures that believed in the physical body reawakening to life, they also used mummification to preserve the physical body.