The Joy in Dying

Restoring Love and Peace to the Dying Process So Living Can Begin

by Dr. T Sky PhD

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/08/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781504336345
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781504336369

About the Book

My true desire is that this book impacts many, that it impacts you, and that as you read the words that follow, they change your life. You begin to open your mind and heart, and through the reading of these humble words, you feel your life shift. You begin to understand what it feels like to release expectations, and as you do, your suffering begins to lighten until it floats away like a feather in the wind.

I further wish that as you work through forgiving others and yourself that you begin to feel a change in your life. That with each act of forgiveness the burden of life lifts, and you begin to experience a sense of joy, peace, and love in your life. I wish that with each chapter, you feel the joy in living and the joy in dying.

Please take a chance, read this book, risk opening your heart, and allowing the words to touch you. You will see things in your life change and shift, and your suffering may be lifted.

If the words in this book help accomplish that one single thing in your life, then this book has done exactly what I wished it would do. Thank you to all who dare to experience The Joy of Dying.

About the Author

T is the mother of two amazing children, a son and daughter, both who have blessed her life with their presence and love. She has had many professions in this life, each one bringing her a step closer to fulfilling her true passion which is to help alleviate the suffering in people’s lives and help them experience peace and love. T holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy specializing in Holistic Life Counseling. Such a long name to describe what she does, which is help people identify the emotional wounds in their lives and help them heal those wounds. It is with a humble heart that she offers to guide them through their own healing work, for after all each person, alone, must complete the healing process. No one can do it for them. So in following through with that goal she offers these words to help guide people along their path.