Beauty in Chaos

An Inner Journey to Restoring Love, Hope, and Freedom

by Denise Sivilay

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 05/04/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781504301367

About the Book

In her early twenties, author Denise Sivilay was seeking fun and excitement in fashion, parties, and romantic relationships. In her late twenties, she began seeking ways to heal her life and purge herself of addictions and an attachment to a mind-set that had corrupted her emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

In Beauty in Chaos, Sivilay shares the life-changing lessons about love and life she has gleaned along the path of seeking self-love, healing, forgiveness, and true happiness. She narrates the stories of her life: from her birth in Laos in 1980, to escaping that violent environment and moving to Australia at three years old, to growing up without a father fi gure, to being a victim of her own self-sabotaging patterns and limiting beliefs.

From the good to the bad, Beauty in Chaos presents a journey where every event plays a role in the story. Sivilay shares how she was able to find happiness in the midst of sadness, and she encourages you to see the beauty in yourself, discover your own worth, and learn the value of real joy and love.

About the Author

Denise Sivilay is a life coach and a personal development trainer who is passionate about helping other women overcome their fears and achieve their personal best. She was born in Vientiane, Laos, and lives in Sydney, Australia.