At first glance, this book may appear to be a children's book, but it is actually intended to address several topics that will take some lengthy contemplation in order to consider the meaning, validity, fact, or fiction of its contents. It is meant to spark a desire to go deeper into the understanding of self, and into the relationship we have with all things existing around us. Hopefully it will, at the very least, bring a new found respect for the little things we all take for granted. Some of the concepts presented are not new, but another way to examine them is offered.
Everything we coexist with, including: solids, liquids, gases, plasmas, animals, vegetables, minerals, and the jalopy we drive to work in, deserves a deeper appreciation for their participation in our life story. All things have atomic or molecular movement, including that jalopy you may or may not have. So, we all share in this wonderful energetic movement called atomic vibration. This vibration may change its rate of motion, yet it still continues on even after physical death. The energy that gives movement to the atom is eternally running through all things.
Because of the vibratory energy link we share with all things, we effect our environment and all things within it in a profound way, as our environment and all things within it affect us. Scientifically, we have observed that when two or more independent vibration or rhythmic processes are in proximity of each other, they may synchronize with each other, this is known as entrainment. This process is happening with all things, from the rhythms of the planets to the cells in our bodies. An example of this was demonstrated by Dutch physicist Christian Huygens, inventor of the pendulum clock. Huygens mounted two pendulum clocks together on a board and found, after a period of time; the pendulums would swing with the same rhythm. This phenomenon can be seen when fireflies in a group begin to flash as one beating light. Thought waves will also interact with the environment creating a push-pull relationship with one another till adjustments are made, usually the weaker vibration will adjust to the dominant vibration. In some cases one vibration will slow while the other speeds up in order to adjust to one another. In other cases, they may not adjust at all and exist in disharmony. At any rate, there is clearly sufficient evidence that a relationship exists energetically between all things.
In quantum entanglement, Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance", we observe that when two or more particles interact with each other, irrespective of distance, a correlation will always exist between them. What effects one particle will always affect the other, no matter how far apart they are separated? As people interact with each other in life, they will remain entangled on a quantum level, no mater how far apart they move from each other. Thus, our personal experiences may not be as personal as we think.
Further insights into the connectivity of all things is seen in the work of Masaru Emoto. He observed that thoughts, words, and sound have an effect on the crystalline pattern formations formed in water. He found that water imprinted with positive words or thoughts had a beautiful symmetrical crystalline form, while negative words or thoughts create an asymmetrical unappealing blob-like shape. Since our physical bodies are composed of about 70% water, imagine the effects our thoughts, words, and emotions have on our physical well being.
The idea of water having a memory was examined and brought to public attention by French scientist Jacques Benveniste. In his discovery, he diluted an allergenic substance over and over until nothing was left but water. Even though the water was diluted to the point of having no allergenic substances left with in it, the purified water still caused an allergic reaction when added to living cells. The French virologist and Nobel Prize Winner, Luc Montognier stated, "What we have found is that DNA produces structural changes in water, which persists at very high dilutions, and which lead to resonant electromagnetic signals that we can measure." It seems an energetic imprint is retained by the water, effecting whatever it may come in contact with next.
These discoveries invite the question as to: What kind of imprint are we leaving on our environment with our thought, sounds, and vibrations? If we are prone to be of a dominant energy, is it one that can be harmoniously entrained or will it bring disharmony, or even entrain destruction? How will our future actions affect our past relationships through entanglement?
The story you are about to read is a pleasant, and at times humorous fiction with a ribbon of truth running through it. The connectivity among the fabric of animate or inanimate vitalities, the impact of water imprinted with the knowledge of constructive or destructive qualities, and the effect our thoughts, words, and actions have on the structure of creation, are the magic to be discovered within the pages of this book. The principles expressed work well for me in my life experience, try them on or just enjoy the story.
At the conclusion, you will find an epilogue detailing a practical application of the principles conveyed in the story.